Best Practices

Build and scale a call center for contact tracers to interview COVID-19 patients and notify their contacts of potential exposure. Monitor ongoing symptoms with SMS alerts and health surveys.
Tutorials & Templates
- Deploy an emergency call center with Twilio Flex
- Build a messaging app for contact tracing
- Create a notification system using Twilio CLI, Twilio Voice, and SMS
- Make outbound calls with Twilio Flex
- Use Twilio’s chatbot template for common COVID-19 questions
- Launch a remote agent contact center with Twilio Flex
- Rapidly deploy a contact tracing solution for patient interviews and contact notifications
Customer Stories
- New York City Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications taps Twilio for contact tracing initiative
- GovTech Singapore adapts to COVID-19 with communications technology
- The city of Pittsburgh rapidly rebuilt their 311 service using Twilio Flex in the wake of COVID-19
- United Way Worldwide ramped up call capacity for its 211 programs during COVID-19 with Twilio
- UC San Diego School of Medicine leveraged SMS reminders to prevent disease and disability