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Updates to the new SendGrid Legacy API

Twilio is rolling these updates in increments. Look for an email with the subject line [System Upgrade] Upcoming Improvements to Your Twilio SendGrid Legacy Marketing Campaigns Experience. That email message outlines when these updates apply to your account.

This release updated the following resources in the Campaigns, Lists, Recipients, Custom Fields, and Segments collections. It also adds a new collection: Exports.

Updates to the Campaigns resources

updates-to-the-campaigns-resources page anchor

Create a campaign

create-a-campaign page anchor

Updates capabilities of these resources: POST /v3/campaigns and PATCH /v3/campaigns/{campaign_id}.

  • This update converts the substitution tag format from [[ sender_field ]], [% recipient_field %], or <% unsubscribe_field %> to {{ field_name }}.

  • When you create the campaign, the changes in this update validate the IDs of groups of emails that opt out (suppression groups) and custom unsubscribe URLs.

  • Updates text of some error messages. Examples include those in the following table:

    Previous error messageUpdated error message
    title can't be blanktitle cannot be empty string
    title is too long (maximum is 100 characters)title cannot have more than 100 characters
    categories exceeds 10 category limitcannot have more than 10 categories
    html_content exceeds the 1MB limitOmitted from response, still applies
    plain_content exceeds the 1MB limitOmitted from response, still applies
    sender_id does not existmust be a validated sender identity
    sender_id is not a verified sender identitymust be a validated sender identity
    list_ids do not all existinvalid list id: <id>
    segment_ids do not all existinvalid segment id: <id>
    The ip pool you provided is invalidmust be a validated IP Pool: <id>
    suppression_group_id does not exist[ suppression_group_id ] must be a valid id
    Either suppression_group_id or custom_unsubscribe_url may be set/used, but not both. Please remove one before setting the other.must have either a custom unsubscribe url or suppression group id, not both
    The JSON you have submitted cannot be parsed.json could not be unmarshalled
    You've reached your limit of 250 campaigns. Please delete one or more and try have reached your 10000 Single Sends limit
  • This resource doesn't validate the IDs of groups of emails that opt out or custom unsubscribe URLs when you schedule the email. It validates this data during campaign creation.

  • This updates modifies the copy of some error messages from this resource: POST /v3/campaigns/{campaign_id}/schedules. The following table lists examples:

    Previous error messageUpdated error message
    subject can't be blank[ subject ] No value has been set for this field, this field must have a valid value to schedule the single send. For more details, please view the documentation at
    sender_id can't be blankmust be a validated sender identity
    plain_content can't be blank, please provide plain text or html contentRemoved
    You must select at least 1 segment or 1 list to send to.Removed
    An [unsubscribe] tag in both your html and plain content is required to send a campaign.Removed
    The unsubscribe tag is added to both contents automatically when editing a new campaignEither a suppression_group_id or custom_unsubscribe_url is required to send a campaign. Must have either a custom unsubscribe url or suppression group id to schedule
    You do not have enough credits to send this campaign. Upgrade your plan to send more: error is no longer present, sends past the allotment are billed as an overage

Updates to the Lists resources

updates-to-the-lists-resources page anchor

Adds pagination query parameters to this resource: GET /v3/contactdb/lists.

  • Adds the page_size query parameters with a default value of 5000.
  • Adds the page query parameters with a default value of 1.

Removes pagination query parameters from this resource: GET /v3/contactdb/lists/{list_id}/recipients.

  • You can't set page size and page number query parameters.
  • The endpoint shows the last 50 contacts added to the list.
  • To get all contacts in one list or overall, use the /v3/contactdb/exports endpoints.

Ends validation of "in use" campaign lists for this resource: DELETE /v3/contactdb/lists.

  • Don't delete a list that a campaign scheduled for later.
  • If the list no longer exists, sending a mail fails.

Updates to the Recipients resources

updates-to-the-recipients-resources page anchor

Removes pagination query parameters from this resource: GET /v3/contactdb/recipients

Adds limits requests to this resource: POST /v3/contactdb/recipients:

  • Limits length of the recipient array to 100,000 per request.
  • Limits value length for first_name and last_name reserved fields to 50 characters.
  • Limits custom field value length to 1,000 characters.

Updates to the Custom Fields resources

updates-to-the-custom-fields-resources page anchor

Adds restriction on custom field names: POST /v3/contactdb/custom_fields

  • Can't start a custom field name with a digit.

Updates the response of this resource: GET /v3/contactdb/custom_fields/{custom_field_id}

  • If the custom field's name started with a digit before this system upgrade, the response prepends _ to the custom field name.

Updates the response of this resource: GET /v3/contactdb/custom_fields

  • If the custom field's name started with a digit before this system upgrade, the response prepends _ to the custom field name.

Updates to the Segment resources

updates-to-the-segment-resources page anchor

Updates the capabilities of this resource: POST /v3/contactdb/segments.

  • Adds a limit of 200 segments.
  • Denies updates of a new segment until five minutes after creation or last update.

This covers a new collection that offers functionality present in the New Marketing Campaigns API.

Adds a new resource: POST /v3/contactdb/exports

This works like the Export Contacts resource with one difference. The lists.ID and segments.ID properties return integers, not strings.

Adds a new resource: GET /v3/contactdb/exports/{export_id}.

This works like the Export Contacts Status resource with one difference. The lists.ID and segments.ID properties return integers, not strings.

Get all existing exports

get-all-existing-exports page anchor

Adds a new resource: GET /v3/contactdb/exports.

This resource works like the Get All Existing Exports resource with one difference. The lists.ID and segments.ID properties return integers, not strings.