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Subusers require a paid Twilio SendGrid account. If you have a Pro or Premier API plan or an Advanced Marketing Campaigns Plan, you may create up to 15 subusers through your account. If you require more subusers, submit a ticket at Twilio SendGrid Support(link takes you to an external page).

Subusers help you segment your email sending and API activity. When you create the subuser, you can assign it permissions and credit limits. Consider creating subusers for each type of email you send: one subuser for transactional emails and another for marketing emails. This allows you to generate separate statistics for each type.

Create a subuser

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By default, new Twilio SendGrid accounts don't include subusers. To create subusers, use the parent account.

To create a new subuser, follow these steps.

  1. Log in to takes you to an external page).

  2. Navigate to Settings in the Twilio SendGrid app.

  3. Click Subuser Management(link takes you to an external page).

  4. Click Create New Subuser.

  5. Enter the username that your subuser uses to access the app and the API into the Username field.

  6. Enter a valid contact email address for this subuser into the Email Address field. This must be an active email account as Twilio may contact a subuser to provide support, resolve sending and deliverability issues, or to enforce Twilio's Terms of Service(link takes you to an external page). Whenever we contact a subuser, we contact the parent account at their email address at the same time.

    If you use a gravatar(link takes you to an external page) for other applications, Twilio adds it to the Avatar field. Twilio associates the gravatar with this subuser when you enter a linked email address. This simplifies identifying all of the subusers attached to your account.

  7. Enter the password associated with the subuser's username in the Password field.

  8. Assign an IP Address to the subuser account. Twilio assigns you a dedicated IP address when you create a Pro 100k plan or higher. If you send at a high volume, and you're using subusers to separate out your sending traffic, it's best practice to purchase a separate IP for each sending type.

To manage a subuser from the SendGrid app, follow these steps.

  1. Navigate to Settings and select Subuser Management.
  2. Select the name of the subuser. This takes you to the subuser's account and profile settings. From there, you can manage and update your subuser Settings.

You can also manage subusers with Subuser API.

Provide optional profile information

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If the data doesn't match your parent account's data, providing this data for this subuser improves deliverability. If an issue arises with the subuser's account, Twilio can contact your subuser to resolve it.

Optional data for a subuser profile includes the following fields.

FieldIntended Value
First NameGiven name of the person responsible for this subuser.
Last NameSurname of the person responsible for this subuser.
CompanyName of your subuser's company.
Address 1First line of your subuser's business address.
Address 2Second line of your subuser's business address.
CityCity of your subuser's business address.
StateState or province of your subuser's business address.
CountryCountry of your subuser's business address.
ZipPostal code of your subuser's business address.
Company Phone NumberPhone number for your subuser's business.
Company WebsiteWebsite for your subuser's business.

Allocate or remove credits from a subuser

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To allocate credits, select the nonrecurring or recurring credit option.

If your subuser account has non-recurring or recurring credits, you can allocate credits to, or remove credits from this subuser account. On the subuser's profile, click Change Credit Rules and then choose the appropriate credit amount for the subuser.

You may assign more credits to your subuser regardless of having the recurring option on Change Credit Limits.

Deactivate a subuser account

deactivate-a-subuser-account page anchor

To turn off a subuser's access to SendGrid on a temporary basis, follow these steps.

  1. Log in to takes you to an external page).
  2. Navigate to Settings in the Twilio SendGrid app.
  3. Click Subuser Management(link takes you to an external page).
  4. Locate the subuser account to disable.
  5. Click on the subuser's name to view their account details.
  6. Click Disable Account.

To re-enable a subuser's account, follow the previous steps 1-3, then click Enable Account.

Delete a subuser account

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You can't undo deleting a subuser account. Deleting this subuser results in immediate revocation of all Twilio SendGrid access.

  1. Log in to takes you to an external page).
  2. Navigate to Settings in the Twilio SendGrid app.
  3. Click Subuser Management(link takes you to an external page).
  4. Locate the subuser account to delete.
  5. Click on the subuser's name to view their account details.
  6. On the Account Settings page, click Delete. A confirmation window displays.
  7. Click Confirm.

The deleted subuser loses all Twilio SendGrid access.

When you set up subusers, you may want to see the subuser's settings and their view of the SendGrid UI.

To simplify this, you can impersonate a subuser from your parent account. From there, you can manage the subuser the same way as if you had logged in with that user's credentials. This doesn't require you to log out of your parent account.

Twilio login usersSendGrid login users
  1. Log in to your SendGrid account with your Twilio login. A vertical navigation bar displays at the top.
  2. Go to the top navigation bar and click on the name of the SendGrid account. You find the account name in bold and within a white box to the right of the Twilio SendGrid logo.
  3. When the submenu appears, click View subusers.
  4. To impersonate a subuser, click that subuser's name.

This page refreshes. A yellow button displays Subuser to the right of the subuser's username.

Switch to another subuser account

If you have more than one subuser, you can switch to another subuser. To impersonate a different subuser, repeat steps 2-4 in the previous section.

Return to your parent account

Under the Account Name submenu, click View all accounts. Click the name of your parent account. This returns you to your parent account portal.

To compare the performance of your subusers, download the subuser data.

  1. Log in to takes you to an external page).
  2. Navigate to Settings in the Twilio SendGrid app.
  3. Click Subuser Management(link takes you to an external page).
  4. Click Export Data. This downloads a CSV file with each subuser's reputation as well as the number of requests they made for the current and last month.