Both the Twilio Login and the SendGrid account Account Details include two sections: Your Account and Your Company. This guide explains what you can edit on this console screen.
If you use Twilio Login, update your personal and account details in the Twilio Console. If you have any questions about Twilio Login or need assistance, reach out to the SendGrid support team.
This section provides Twilio with the necessary information to contact you with alerts and notifications as well as send and track your emails.
This section includes your name, email address, and telephone number. For SendGrid Login users, it also includes your username and password. SendGrid Login users can edit these values. If you use Twilio Login, you can edit these values in the Twilio Console. Your Twilio Login email address is your username.
SendGrid login users can edit the following fields.
SendGrid login users can edit the Username and Password fields.
If you change the Username, all of your calls to SendGrid to stop working immediately.
Click the pencil icon to the right of the Username field.
Enter the SendGrid Username that accesses our API and our SMTP Relay in the Username field.
Once you change the username, click Save to keep, or click Cancel to discard, the changes.
Click the pencil icon to the right of the Password field.
Enter a new password in the Password field. All SendGrid account passwords have the following requirements:
)To keep the changes, click Save or, to discard the changes, click Cancel.
The SendGrid account information displays under the Personal info section.
The Account ID field displays a unique 16-digit hexadecimal identifier that starts with sg
displays. When filing support requests, provide this ID.
You can edit the Time Zone field.
This section contains the identifying data for your company: its name, billing address, and website.
To set or update the name of your company, follow these steps.
To set or update the billing address for the preferred location where your company conducts business, follow these steps. The preferred location could be the corporate headquarters, a regional office, or a local office.
To set or update the website of your company, follow these steps.