SendGrid's Inbound Parse Webhook allows you to receive emails that get automatically broken apart by SendGrid and then sent to a URL of your choosing. SendGrid will grab the content, attachments, and the headers from any email it receives for your specified hostname. Please see our Inbound Parse Webhook technical docs for more information about how to handle the information coming to you from SendGrid's Inbound Parse.
You can see all of your hostname and URL pairs that you have set up in the table on the main Inbound Parse page. From there, you can use the gear icon on the right side of each pair to remove and edit the Inbound Parse Webhook settings.
The Inbound Parse Webhook requires a hostname, where the emails will be sent, and the URL where SendGrid will POST
the data it builds from every incoming email.
Host Name - The domain where you have pointed an MX Record so addresses at this hostname can receive email. For example:
When entering your host name (also referred to as the receiving domain), the subdomain-domain combination must be globally unique, and the domain must be one of your authenticated domains.
URL - The URL for the Inbound Parse Webhook to POST
all parsed email information.
Spam Check - Inbound Parse will check incoming emails for spam, then assign them a spam score and report. This will be reflected under spam_score
and spam_report
in your Parse Webhook post. The user can then determine how this score is interpreted and the severity.
Send Raw - Select this option if you would prefer to receive the full MIME message.
If you're interested in how to use the Inbound Parse Webhook, please check out our Inbound Parse Webhook API.