Twilio Flex Fair Usage Policy

Last Updated:  February 25, 2025

1. Introduction.  In order to make Twilio’s digital engagement center platform branded as “Twilio Flex” (“Twilio Flex”) customizable, Twilio has given you access to many of its underlying products that power Twilio Flex to enable you to build powerful integrations. This Flex Fair Usage Policy (“Flex Policy”) applies to your access to and use of Twilio Flex under a Named User or Active User Hour model – both of which are further explained below – and exists to ensure that Twilio’s platform and customers are protected from misuse and abuse. Twilio will evaluate your consumption of its underlying products (referred to as Standard Products below) included with Twilio Flex under a particular Twilio Project as part of assessing your compliance with this Flex Policy.

2. Named User and Active User Hour Models.  If you purchase Twilio Flex under an Active User Hour model, that means you pay for the time period that any user is logged into Twilio Flex in any activity status each calendar month, other than the Logout Activity status, which, by default, is called Offline status. In the Active User Hour model, each actively logged-in Twilio Flex user is referred to as an “Active User”.

If you purchase Twilio Flex under a Named User model, that means you pay for a maximum number of users that are provisioned in Twilio Flex at any time during a calendar month. In the Named User model, each provisioned Twilio Flex user is referred to as a “Named User”.

3. Standard Products and Usage Limits.  Twilio provides certain standard products, as set forth in the table below (“Standard Products”), as part of each Active User or Named User, as applicable. Your use of any Standard Products is subject to certain usage limits, as determined by Twilio in its sole discretion, and not available on an unlimited basis. If your use of any Standard Product exceeds the applicable usage limit, you will automatically be charged for exceeding such usage limit at the then-current applicable rate available at Any unused Standard Product units may not be transferred from one Active User to another, or from one Named User to another. 

For more information regarding the usage limits for any Standard Products, please contact your account team or Twilio Customer Support.

Standard Products

Agent Conference

Answering Machine Detection

Automated Speech Recognition

Call Recordings1

Channel Messages2

Email in Flex

Flex Conversations3

Flex Insights License

Media Storage - Chat and Conversations (GB)

Programmable Voice Platform4


SIP Interface5


Twilio Assets

Twilio Functions

Twilio Sync

Twilio TaskRouter

Twilio Voice JavaScript SDK

Video Participant Minutes

Voice Insights

1 Call Recordings does not include Recording Storage. You will be charged separately for any fees for your use of Recording Storage.

2 Channel Messages includes the capability to transmit messages via certain third-party messaging applications (e.g., over-the-top (OTT) messaging platforms). Channel Messages, however, does not include any fees from third-party messaging application providers relating to the use of their third-party messaging applications. You will be charged separately for any fees from third-party messaging application providers.

3 Flex Conversations does not include (a) messaging connectivity to the public switched telephone network (“PSTN”) and any fees for the same and (b) any fees from any third-party messaging application or virtual agent providers relating to the use of their third-party messaging applications or virtual agents. You will be charged separately for any fees (i) for messaging connectivity to the PSTN and (ii) from any third-party messaging application or virtual agent providers. Furthermore, Flex Conversations users correspond to the total of the number of unique customers with which a contact center agent interacts..

4 Programmable Voice Platform does not include (a) voice connectivity to the PSTN and any fees for the same and (b) any fees from any third-party voice application or virtual agent providers relating to the use of their third-party voice applications or virtual agents. You will be charged separately for any fees (i) for voice connectivity to the PSTN and (ii) from third-party voice application or virtual agent providers.

5 SIP Interface, as a Standard Product, is intended primarily for routing voice calls to and from your equipment. While you have the ability to use SIP Interface to route voice calls to and from the PSTN via third-party telecommunications providers, (a) PSTN connectivity and any fees for the same are not included and (b) Twilio may automatically charge you an additional fee for such use.

4. Restrictions and Requirements

4.1 End-to-End Contact Center Use Cases.  Standard Products provided as part of Twilio Flex may only be used for end-to-end contact center use cases under a Twilio Project that is for Twilio Flex. The use of any Standard Products with non-end-to-end contact center use cases must be under a separate Twilio Project that is not for Twilio Flex. 

An end-to-end contact center use case includes your customers initiating a conversation with your business via a virtual contact center agent or a human contact center agent using voice (including voice communications that are routed through an interactive voice response (IVR) workflow), messaging, chat, or email communication channels included with Twilio Flex. As part of a contact center use case, a virtual contact center agent may escalate customer queries to a human contact center agent as needed. 

Furthermore, an end-to-end contact center use case also includes a human contact center agent initiating a new or follow-up conversation with your customers on behalf of your business using voice, messaging, chat, or email communication channels included with Twilio Flex. 

However, using messaging, chat, or email communications channels included with Twilio Flex to transmit mass marketing notifications and support authentication use cases (e.g., one-time password (OTP) generation) are not considered end-to-end contact center use cases. 

4.2 Named User Seat Sharing.  Each Named User may only have one (1) user assigned to it. You are prohibited from having multiple users assigned to, or access, Twilio Flex from a single Named User.

4.3 Flex Insights Data.  You are prohibited from using Flex Insights to process any data regarding an individual's financial or economic identity, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, medical or physical identity, including any information comprised of either “Protected Health Information” subject to and defined by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), or an individual's first name and last name, or first initial and last name, in combination with one or more of the following data elements that relate to such individual: Social Security number, driver's license number or state-issued identification card number, financial account number, or credit or debit card number, with or without any required security code, access code, personal identification number or password, that would permit access to an individual's financial account.

Furthermore, Twilio may delete all your data that is stored within Flex Insights without notice if you do not use Flex Insights for at least six (6) consecutive months.

5. Restrictions and Requirements Violations.  If you violate Section 4 (Restrictions and Requirements) of this Flex Policy, Twilio may automatically charge you at the then-current applicable rate available at and/or immediately suspend your use of Twilio Flex without notice. Twilio, however, will use commercially reasonable efforts to (a) provide you with written notice prior to any suspension and (b) work with you to remediate any such suspension.

Twilio may immediately delete any data that violates Section 4.3 (Flex Insights Data) of this Flex Policy without notice and suspend your Flex Insights License for the same. However, Twilio will use commercially reasonable efforts to (a) provide you with written notice prior to any suspension and (b) work with you to remediate your violation of Section 4.3 (Flex Insights Data) of this Flex Policy.

6. Twilio Flex Starter Code and Software Components.  If you use any starter code or software components with Twilio Flex that are provided by Twilio and accompanied by an open source license, such starter code or software components are owned by Twilio, but licensed to you under the terms of such open source license.

7. Updates to this Flex Policy.  Twilio may update this Flex Policy from time to time. The then-current version of this Flex Policy is available at If Twilio removes, or elects not to provide, any existing Standard Product as part of Twilio Flex, Twilio will provide you with prior written notice. Your continued use of Twilio Flex constitutes your acceptance of any updates to this Flex Policy once they become effective.