Last Updated March 10, 2025

Twilio Trademark Usage Guidelines

These Twilio Trademark Usage Guidelines apply to Twilio’s licensees, authorized resellers, developers, customers, and other parties who wish to use Twilio Trademarks. Twilio Trademarks include the Twilio name as well as our product and service names, logos, taglines, and other symbols, words, and phrases that identify Twilio and our offerings. Find a nonexhaustive list of Twilio Trademarks below. 

Our customers and members of the public have come to know and trust the Twilio brand. Twilio Trademarks are important components of our brand and Twilio has invested significant resources into protecting them. Please help us preserve the trust and goodwill embodied in our trademarks by complying with these guidelines. Any use of Twilio Trademarks outside of these guidelines requires our express written permission.



Using Twilio Trademarks

Most uses of Twilio Trademarks will require our express written permission, and use without our permission may constitute trademark infringement under federal and state laws. However, you may make limited use of Twilio Trademarks in plain text to refer to Twilio and our products and services in accordance with the laws on fair use. In general, references must be accurate and use of Twilio Trademarks must not be confusing or misleading with respect to your affiliation with or endorsement by Twilio. 

Use the following Dos and Don’ts as a guide for proper use of our trademarks.


Use Twilio Trademarks in Plain Text


  • Use Twilio Trademarks in plain text that matches surrounding text when referring to Twilio or our products or services. 


  • Don’t use Twilio’s logos or designs without our express written permission or except as authorized under these guidelines. 
  • Don’t stylize Twilio Trademarks or create your own logos or designs for them. 
  • Don’t use Twilio Trademarks as the most noticeable or most pronounced aspect in any materials. Your own branding should always be more prominent than any Twilio Trademarks.


  • Use Twilio Trademarks as adjectives in connection with a corresponding generic or descriptive term. Use a generic or descriptive term with each Twilio Trademark the first time you use the trademark, and as often as possible after that. 


  • Don’t use Twilio Trademarks as nouns, verbs, or in the possessive or plural form. 

Note:  When you use “Twilio” as a substitute for Twilio Inc., you’re using it as a trade name. Unlike trademarks, trade names are nouns and may be used in the possessive form.



Twilio platform

Twilio Flex digital engagement center

Twilio’s benefits



Use the Correct Twilio Trademark; No Modification


  • Use Twilio Trademarks as they are, with correct spelling and capitalization. See an inexhaustive list of Twilio Trademarks below. 


  • Don’t abbreviate, translate, misspell, alter, or otherwise modify Twilio Trademarks. 
  • Don’t combine Twilio Trademarks with your or any other party’s name or trademark.




Twil App

CompanyX Twilio


Be Truthful and Accurate; Avoid Confusion


  • Always be truthful and accurate when referring to Twilio and/or our products or services.

  • Use an appropriate relational phrase, such as “built on,” “powered by,” or “for use with,” to describe how your product or service relates to Twilio’s offerings.

  • Distinguish Twilio Trademarks from your product or service name by using smaller type, a different font, and/or a different color whenever used apart from body copy. Remember, your own branding should always be more prominent than any Twilio Trademark.

  • Avoid confusion by expressly disclaiming any affiliation with or endorsement or sponsorship by Twilio, such as by using a phrase like, “This product is not affiliated with or endorsed by Twilio Inc.” when referencing Twilio in your marketing materials.


  • Don’t use Twilio Trademarks in any way that is confusing or that could mislead others into believing you or your products or services are provided, sponsored, endorsed, or approved by or affiliated with Twilio.
  • Don’t use Twilio Trademarks as your own product or service name or trade name. 
  • Don’t use any Twilio Trademark in such proximity to your own name or trademark so as to create a combination or composite mark.
  • Don’t use any name or trademark that is confusingly similar to a Twilio Trademark. 
  • Don’t imitate Twilio’s trade dress, color schemes, type style, or logos or copy the layout or style of Twilio’s website or other marketing materials. 
  • Don’t use Twilio Trademarks on product packaging or any on physical merchandise or swag items, including t-shirts, mugs, stickers, and the like, without our express written permission.
  • Don’t use Twilio Trademarks in any way that is disparaging, defamatory, offensive, fraudulent, or in any other way that violates our Acceptable Use Policy.

MyCompany Customer Engagement powered by Twilio

MySoftware for use with Twilio platform

My Twilio App



  • Include a phrase such as “user group,” “special interest group,” etc. when using Twilio Trademarks in the name of your non-commercial user group. Twilio generally permits such use of Twilio Trademarks so long as the use won’t cause confusion about Twilio’s relationship with the group. 

NOTE: This applies only to user groups that are not formerly doing business as commercial entities.


  • Don’t register as a trade name or business name or conduct any business under a user group name that incorporates a Twilio Trademark.

  • Don’t use Twilio Trademarks in any social media account handles or names, avatars, profile images, banners, or favicons.


LocalDevs - Twilio User Group


Twilio Users Inc.


Domain Names

  • Use your own branding in your internet domain names. Twilio generally permits use of Twilio Trademarks elsewhere in a URL, such as in a subdomain or path, provided that the use of Twilio Trademarks won’t cause confusion with respect to Twilio’s relationship with you, your website, or your products or services. 

  • Don’t register or use internet domain names including Twilio Trademarks or confusingly similar variations of them.   

Examples or 


Open Source Software

  • Carefully read the open source license for the Twilio open source software project. Most open source licenses don’t grant, and many expressly exclude, a license to use trademarks. 

  • Use Twilio Trademarks to make true and non-misleading statements about the relationship between your software and Twilio’s open source software using appropriate relational phrases.


  • Don’t use Twilio Trademarks, or confusingly similar variations of them, in the name of your distribution or other products that incorporate elements of our open source project without our express written permission.



    MyImplementation, derived from Twilio CLI 






Rights Notice

  • Display the following rights notice whenever using Twilio Trademarks in connection with your own products or services:


Twilio and all related logos are trademarks of Twilio Inc. or its affiliates. 


  • Display the rights notice legibly on the same page or screen as the first or most prominent use of a Twilio Trademark. 

  • Include in the notice all Twilio Trademarks that you are using. (See the non-exhaustive list of Twilio Trademarks below.)


Twilio, Segment and all related logos are trademarks of Twilio Inc. or its affiliates.


The Twilio corporate logo is the most recognizable expression of Twilio's brand. We understand and appreciate that Twilio’s developers, customers, and others may want to show affiliation with Twilio. However, Twilio restricts use of the Twilio corporate logo, and you may not use it without our express written permission. Use of the Twilio corporate logo to imply affiliation with or endorsement by Twilio without express written permission by Twilio is strictly prohibited. Affiliation with Twilio or Twilio programs does not imply the right to use the Twilio logo.


Powered By Twilio Badge


Twilio customers and developers may use the “Powered by Twilio” badge on your websites and apps to indicate your product or service is built using or integrates with Twilio technology, provided you comply with the guidelines above as well as our current Brand Guidelines (including these Co-branding Guidelines) and provided your Twilio account is in good standing. Use of other Twilio logos requires our express written permission. This limited permission to use the “Powered by Twilio” badge is revocable at any time, and upon Twilio’s request you must stop using the badge. 

  • Download the “Powered by Twilio” badge from our library.

  • Follow Twilio’s Co-branding Guidelines, as well as the guidelines above, whenever using the “Powered by Twilio” badge. Comply with any other logo usage guidelines that we provide to you.

  • Stop using the “Powered by Twilio” badge if your Twilio account is terminated or ceases to be in good standing, if your products or services no longer use or integrate with Twilio technology, or upon Twilio’s request. 

  • Don’t use the “Powered by Twilio” badge in any ads (print, digital, audiovisual, etc.), on any physical merchandise or swag items, or anywhere other than your website or app without our express written permission. 

  • Don’t modify the “Powered by Twilio” badge or combine it with your or any other party’s logo or design. 

Don’t recreate or create your own “Powered by Twilio” badge. Download the badge from our library and use it as-is.



Nothing in these guidelines gives you any right, title, or interest in or to Twilio Trademarks, except limited permission to use Twilio Trademarks as described above. Twilio Trademarks are owned solely by Twilio and all goodwill generated from use of Twilio Trademarks will belong to Twilio.


Additional Resources

In addition to these guidelines, please also review the following resources to ensure you are using Twilio Trademarks correctly. 


Changes to These Guidelines

These guidelines are not intended to be a complete list of guidelines, rules or policies for using Twilio Trademarks. Twilio may modify or replace these guidelines or provide additional guidelines for using Twilio Trademarks at any time. 


Reporst Misuse of Twilio Trademarks

Please report suspected misuse of Twilio Trademarks or other Twilio brand elements or Twilio’s copyrighted materials to


Questions or Requests

If you have any questions regarding Twilio Trademarks or these guidelines or to request permission to use Twilio’s logo, please contact the Twilio Legal Department at:


Non-exhaustive List of Twilio Trademarks



















Last Updated

March 10, 2025