European Electronic Communications Code Disclosures
Last Updated: March 19, 2025
The European Electronic Communications Code Notice and Waiver are made available pursuant to the European Electronic Communications Code (as established by Directive (EU) 2018/1972 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2018) (“EECC”) to you as a customer of Twilio (“you” or “your”) and user of electronic communications services provided by Twilio (“Communications Services”). These disclosures pursuant to the EECC supplement the terms of the agreement between you and Twilio covering your use of the Communications Services (“Agreement”). Any capitalized term used in this Notice that is not defined will have the meaning provided in the Agreement.
European Electronic Communications Code Notice
Upon your reasonable written request to Twilio, Twilio will make this European Electronic Communications Code Notice available to you in an accessible format.
1. Twilio Contact Information. You may contact Twilio via your designated account team (if applicable) or Twilio Customer Support here.
2. Description and Scope of the Communications Services Offered. Descriptions of the Communications Services are available at and within Twilio’s applicable documentation for the Communications Services, the current version of which is available at
3. Quality of the Communications Services. Twilio cannot guarantee any minimum levels of quality of service, except for any service levels set forth in the Agreement, and make no guarantees regarding the Communications Services will always function without disruptions, delay, or errors. A number of factors beyond Twilio’s control may also impact your user experience of the Communications Services and result in the disruption of your communication with other users, including, without limitation, the public internet or your local network, firewall, internet service provider, or power supply.
4. Tariffs. For tariff information, please visit and review the applicable terms relating to taxes, communications surcharges, and/or carrier fees set forth in the Agreement and any applicable order form(s) in effect between you and Twilio (“Order Form(s)”). You can also find more information about taxes here.
5. Standard Contract Conditions
- Charges and Fees. You will be charged any fees for your use of the Communications Services in accordance with the Agreement and applicable Order Form(s). If you use any Communications Services not set forth in the applicable Order Form(s), you will be charged the applicable fees available at
- Duration, Renewal, Termination, and Communications Services Suspension. See the Agreement and the applicable Order Form(s) regarding any terms relating to term, term renewal, termination, and suspension of the Communications Services.
6. Access to Emergency Services and Caller Location. For information on emergency calling capabilities via the Communications Services, please refer to the following:
7. Accessibility. For information on accessibility relating to the Communications Services, please contact Twilio Customer Support here.
8. After-Sales, Maintenance, and Customer Assistance Services. You may contact your designated account team directly (if applicable) or Twilio Customer Support here for any support assistance with your account or use of the Communications Services.
9. Dispute Resolution Mechanisms. If you have a complaint regarding the Communications Services, please contact your designated account team directly (if applicable) or Twilio Customer Support here.
You may also be entitled to refer disputes in relation to matters covered by the EECC to an independent body for dispute resolution appointed in the country in which you are domiciled. A list of competent independent bodies for dispute resolution in European Union member countries and links to their websites are available via the European Union's Online Dispute Resolution Bodies, at Disputes in the United Kingdom may be referred to Ofcom using the process available at
European Electronic Communications Code Rights Waiver
Upon your reasonable written request to Twilio, Twilio will make available this European Electronic Communications Code Rights Waiver available to you in an accessible format.
1. Definitions
Microenterprises, small enterprises, and not-for-profit organizations are defined in the European Union national law and typically mean the following:
Microenterprise: Headcount is less 10 people; annual turnover less than or equal to €2MM
Small enterprise: Headcount is less than 50 people; annual turnover less than or equal to €10MM
Not-for-profit organization: Any legal entity that does not earn a profit for its owners or members. Typically, not-for-profit organisations are charities or other types of public interest organisations.
2. EECC Rights Waiver. If you are a microenterprise, small enterprise, or not-for-profit organisation and Twilio Ireland Limited provides you with the Communications Services within the European Economic Area or the United Kingdom, you agree to waive any rights, to the extent applicable, that you may have under the national laws implementing the following:
(a) Article 102(1) and Annex VIII of the EECC, which allows you to receive certain pre-contractual information;
(b) Article 102(3) and (4) of the EECC, which allows you to receive a contract summary;
(c) Article 102(5) and (6) of the EECC, which allows you to monitor and control usage of interpersonal communications services; and
(d) Article 105(1) of the EECC, which limits the maximum contract duration.