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Twilio Messaging logo

Apr 08, 2024


Twilio programmable messaging to remove any phone range blocks that have been active for longer than 30 days

Starting May 9, 2024, Twillio will remove any phone range blocks on your account that have been active for longer than 30 days.

In the past, some accounts received a notification that fraud was detected on those accounts and that Twilio enacted blocking for certain prefixes. These blocks were internally set using the messaging opt out functionality which is why outbound messages destined for these blocks fail with Twilio error code 21610. As there is no way for customers to control this functionality and since fraud activity tends to dissipate after blocking, we will be removing these blocks from those accounts.

What do you need to do? We recommend regularly reviewing your SMS geo permissions and only enabling countries where you intend to send messages and incur messaging costs. This is a more efficient method to prevent unwanted messages without the risk of blocking legitimate traffic. To enable or disable Geo Permissions, go to your Console’s Geo Permission settings.

Twilio Task Router logo

Apr 08, 2024


Agents with pending reservations can now move between Available states

Recently, a change was made to allow workers to change from one Available activity state to another while they have task reservations. Reserved tasks will remain with the worker until the worker accepts or rejects them, or until the reservation timeout is reached.

Previously, a worker with a task reservation could not change their status from one Available activity state to another while a task  was pending.

This means that when a worker changes from one Available activity state to another, they might still have reservations for their previous activity state. For example, if a worker’s activity state is High Value Tasks and they change their state to Low Value Tasks, that worker may still have pending High Value Tasks reservations. The worker would need to accept or reject those reservations. If the worker doesn’t take any action, the tasks will remain reserved until they reach the reservation timeout.

Twilio Task Router logo

Apr 08, 2024


JitterBufferSize now supported for conference instruction

Recently, support for JitterBufferSize was added for conference instruction in the TaskRouter API. If you experience high call latency on conference calls, you can adjust this setting to improve call quality.

Twilio Messaging logo

Apr 08, 2024

GA Messaging

Global Safelist is now generally available

As of 1st April, 2024, the Global Safelist API is now generally available for Twilio Programmable Messaging. Twilio's Global Safelist API empowers you to manage trusted phone numbers that they are not blocked by Twilio’s algorithms for SMS Pumping Protection on Twilio Programmable Messaging.

Twilio Messaging logo

Apr 02, 2024

GA Messaging

Improved Visibility for Message Creation Errors

We have begun enabling accounts for improved message creation API error visibility in  SMS logs and Messaging Insights in the Twilio Console as well as when you list messages via the Programmable Messaging API. Full details are available here. When your account is enabled, the banners on those console pages will update to reflect that your account is enabled. Note that accounts will be enabled on a per-account-sid basis over the coming weeks; thus certain sub-accounts may gain access before others.

Twilio Flex logo

Apr 02, 2024


New Flex plugins available in the Plugin Library

The following plugins were recently added to the Flex Plugin Library:

  • Agent Automation
    Enables auto-select, auto-accept, and auto-wrap-up behaviors for agent tasks based on their channel and a set of required task attributes.

  • Dual Channel Recording
    Enables call recording on dual channels to enable analytics tools like Flex Insights to determine if the customer or the agent is speaking, which enhances their capabilities to detect cross-talk.

  • Custom Transfer Directory
    Enhances the agent and queue transfer directories for Voice tasks with real-time data and filters.

  • Supervisor Complete Reservation
    Adds a Complete button to the TaskOverviewCanvas to allow supervisors to complete pending tasks for agents.

  • Activity Reservation Handler
    Enables synchronization of an agent's TaskRouter activity with the state of the tasks that they are working on.

  • Hang Up By
    Enables Flex Insights reporting based on who ended the call (customer, agent, transfer, and so on).

Twilio Event Streams logo

Apr 02, 2024

Event Streams

A2P subscriptions now available on Event Streams

Customers who are registering Brands, Campaigns and 10DLC Phone Numbers for A2P Messaging can now set up subscriptions to events which will notify them when a Brand, Campaign or Phone Number's status has changed. This setup and subscription is handled through Twilio's Event Streams product, which allows users to define a sink (in this case a webhook) to which an event notification will be sent for any events to which the user has subscribed - in this case, when a Brand or Campaign has been either successfully submitted or not, and whether successfully-submitted Brands and Campaigns are ultimately approved or rejected, or what a phone number’s status is in it’s A2P registration or deregistration process.

With these event notifications now 'pushed' to customers via the Event Streams framework, it will no longer be necessary to repeatedly query the Brand and Campaign creation APIs, be in limbo about the number’s registration status, or continually visit the A2P Console pages, in order to be kept up to date on registration status.

Check out the Event Streams product or documentation on how to utilize this new feature!

Twilio logo

Mar 26, 2024

Twilio Voice React Native SDK and Reference App are now GA

Twilio Programmable Voice now offers a React Native SDK to assist customers in building voice-powered mobile apps. React Native is a widely-adopted and actively maintained open source framework that allows web developers to create cross-platform applications using a single codebase that runs on both iOS and Android. The accompanying reference app reduces time to market by providing natively-styled UI elements out-of-the-box and demonstrates production-scale architectural best practices. The React Native SDK and Dialer reference app are both officially GA.

Additionally, we’ve added Public Beta support for the Call Message Events Voice SDK platform feature in the React Native SDK.

Check out the docs for more information, and please leave us any feedback you might have in the Twilio Voice React Native SDK Github repo. We can’t wait to see what you build!

Twilio Flex logo

Mar 25, 2024

Flex Voice

Queue time now returned when creating new conference participants

Twilio's response to POST to /Participants API will now return a queue_time parameter, which provides an estimated time the call will be queued before it is executed. 

Twilio Programmable Voice logo

Mar 19, 2024

GA Voice

Twilio Voice Mobile SDKs AudioOptions API now available in GA

The latest Twilio Voice mobile SDKs (iOS and Android) now expose a new AudioOptions API. This gives developers fine-grained control of their app’s audio experience by enabling audio processing operations on the local audio source. The following webRTC options are now exposed via the new API:

  • Noise suppression
  • High pass filtering
  • Set jitter buffer max size
  • Set jitter buffer min delay
  • (Android only) Echo cancellation
  • (Android only) Automatic gain control

Check out the docs (iOS and Android) for more information on how to use the new functionality in your application. We can’t wait to see what you build!


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