Découvrez ce que vous pouvez construire avec Twilio.

Testez la démo du menu téléphonique et découvrez son fonctionnement.

Découvrez ce que vous pouvez construire avec Twilio.

Composez le (323) 992-0315 et saisissez le code 6240

(Ne vous inquiétez pas, nous ne conserverons pas votre numéro de téléphone et ne l'utiliserons pas après cette démo.)

Bonjour à tous,

Appelez-nous au (323) 992-0315 et saisissez le code « 6240 ». Votre appel sera alors couplé à cet éditeur de texte. Ensuite, personnaliserons le message que vous entendez lorsque vous appelez le SVI (Serveur Vocal Interactif).

Suivant Personnaliser le menu téléphonique

using Twilio.TwiML;
using Twilio.TwiML.Voice;
using System;

var response = new VoiceResponse();

var gather = new Gather(input: "dtmf", numDigits: 1);
gather.Say("Welcome to the Twilio IVR! You can modify this message by changing this text in your browser. Hang up and call back to hear the changes you've made or press * to restart this IVR with your changes. Press 2 to continue with the IVR.");



var gather = new Gather(input: "dtmf", numDigits: 4);
gather.Say("Please enter the 4 digit code on your screen to get started");



import com.twilio.twiml.VoiceResponse;
import com.twilio.twiml.voice.*;

import java.util.Arrays;

Say say = new Say.Builder("Please enter the 4 digit code on your screen to get started.")

Gather gather = new Gather.Builder()

VoiceResponse response = new VoiceResponse.Builder().gather(gather)


const VoiceResponse = require('twilio').twiml.VoiceResponse;
const response = new VoiceResponse();

const gather = response.gather({
	input: 'dtmf',
	numDigits: '4',

gather.say('Please enter the 4 digit code on your screen to get started');


require_once './vendor/autoload.php';

use Twilio\TwiML;

$response = new TwiML();

$gather = $response->gather(['input' => 'dtmf', 'numDigits' => '4']);
$gather->say('Please enter the 4 digit code on your screen to get started.');

echo $response;

from twilio.twiml.voice_response import VoiceResponse, Gather

response = VoiceResponse()

gather = Gather(input='dtmf', num_digits=4)
gather.say('Please enter the 4 digit code on your screen to get started.')



require 'twilio-ruby'

response = Twilio::TwiML::VoiceResponse.new do |r|
  r.gather(numDigits: 4, input: 'dtmf') do |g|
    g.say(message: 'Please enter the 4 digit code on your screen to get started.')

puts response

	<Gather input="dtmf" numDigits="1">
		<Say>Please enter the 4 digit code on your screen to get started.</Say>
import com.twilio.twiml.VoiceResponse;
import com.twilio.twiml.voice.*;

import java.util.Arrays;

Say say = new Say.Builder("Welcome to the Twilio IVR! You can modify this message by changing this text in your browser. Hang up and call back to hear the changes you&rsquo;ve made or press * to restart this IVR with your changes. Press 2 to continue with the IVR.")

Gather gather = new Gather.Builder()

VoiceResponse response = new VoiceResponse.Builder().gather(gather)

const VoiceResponse = require('twilio').twiml.VoiceResponse;
const response = new VoiceResponse();

const gather = response.gather({
  input: 'dtmf',
  numDigits: '1',

gather.say('Welcome to the Twilio IVR! You can modify this message by changing this text in your browser. Hang up and call back to hear the changes you’ve made or press * to restart this IVR with your changes. Press 2 to continue with the IVR.');

require_once './vendor/autoload.php';

use Twilio\TwiML;

$response = new TwiML();

$gather = $response->gather(['input' => 'dtmf', 'numDigits' => '1']);
$gather->say('Welcome to the Twilio IVR! You can modify this message by changing this text in your browser. Hang up and call back to hear the changes you\'ve made or press * to restart this IVR with your changes. Press 2 to continue with the IVR.');

echo $response;
from twilio.twiml.voice_response import VoiceResponse, Gather

response = VoiceResponse()

gather = Gather(input='dtmf', num_digits=1)
gather.say('Welcome to the Twilio IVR! You can modify this message by changing this text in your browser. Hang up and call back to hear the changes you\'ve made or press * to restart this IVR with your changes. Press 2 to continue with the IVR.')


require 'twilio-ruby'

response = Twilio::TwiML::VoiceResponse.new do |r|
	r.gather(numDigits: 1, input: 'dtmf') do |g|
		g.say(message: 'Welcome to the Twilio IVR! You can modify this message by changing this text in your browser. Hang up and call back to hear the changes you’ve made or press * to restart this IVR with your changes. Press 2 to continue with the IVR.')

puts response
	<Gather input="dtmf" numDigits="1">
		<Say>Welcome to the Twilio IVR! You can modify this message by changing this text in your browser. Hang up and call back to hear the changes you’ve made or press * to restart this IVR with your changes. Press 2 to continue with the IVR. </Say>

Vous êtes en ligne ? Parfait, vous devriez entendre le message de bienvenue. Vous pouvez apporter des changements à ce message de bienvenue et rappeler ou appuyer sur * pour écouter vos modifications.

Génial ! Nous allons maintenant aborder les instructions que vous pouvez utiliser pour indiquer à Twilio comment vous voulez que les appels soient traités.

Suivant  TwiML

using Twilio.TwiML;
using Twilio.TwiML.Voice;
using System;

var response = new VoiceResponse();

var gather = new Gather(input: "dtmf", numDigits: 1);
gather.Say("Welcome to the Twilio IVR! You can modify this message by changing this text in your browser. Hang up and call back to hear the changes you've made or press * to restart this IVR with your changes. Press 2 to continue with the IVR.");


import com.twilio.twiml.VoiceResponse;
import com.twilio.twiml.voice.*;

import java.util.Arrays;

Say say = new Say.Builder("Welcome to the Twilio IVR! You can modify this message by changing this text in your browser. Hang up and call back to hear the changes you&rsquo;ve made or press * to restart this IVR with your changes. Press 2 to continue with the IVR.")

Gather gather = new Gather.Builder()

VoiceResponse response = new VoiceResponse.Builder().gather(gather)

const VoiceResponse = require('twilio').twiml.VoiceResponse;
const response = new VoiceResponse();

const gather = response.gather({
  input: 'dtmf',
  numDigits: '1',

gather.say('Welcome to the Twilio IVR! You can modify this message by changing this text in your browser. Hang up and call back to hear the changes you’ve made or press * to restart this IVR with your changes. Press 2 to continue with the IVR.');

require_once './vendor/autoload.php';

use Twilio\TwiML;

$response = new TwiML();

$gather = $response->gather(['input' => 'dtmf', 'numDigits' => '1']);
$gather->say('Welcome to the Twilio IVR! You can modify this message by changing this text in your browser. Hang up and call back to hear the changes you\'ve made or press * to restart this IVR with your changes. Press 2 to continue with the IVR.');

echo $response;
from twilio.twiml.voice_response import VoiceResponse, Gather

response = VoiceResponse()

gather = Gather(input='dtmf', num_digits=1)
gather.say('Welcome to the Twilio IVR! You can modify this message by changing this text in your browser. Hang up and call back to hear the changes you\'ve made or press * to restart this IVR with your changes. Press 2 to continue with the IVR.')


require 'twilio-ruby'

response = Twilio::TwiML::VoiceResponse.new do |r|
	r.gather(numDigits: 1, input: 'dtmf') do |g|
		g.say(message: 'Welcome to the Twilio IVR! You can modify this message by changing this text in your browser. Hang up and call back to hear the changes you’ve made or press * to restart this IVR with your changes. Press 2 to continue with the IVR.')

puts response
	<Gather input="dtmf" numDigits="1">
		<Say>Welcome to the Twilio IVR! You can modify this message by changing this text in your browser. Hang up and call back to hear the changes you’ve made or press * to restart this IVR with your changes. Press 2 to continue with the IVR. </Say>

Vous contrôlez les appels sur Twilio grâce à TwiML, Twilio Markup Language. Votre code TwiML indique à Twilio ce qu'il faut faire lorsque votre app reçoit un nouvel appel téléphonique. Vous pouvez écrire en langage TwiML avec du XML brut ou utiliser votre langage préféré côté serveur (et nos librairies d'aide) comme nous l'avons fait à droite.

Le verbe TwiML <Say> dit à Twilio de lire ce texte dynamique à l'appelant et propose plus de 50 voix en 25 langues. Pour lire n'importe quel type de fichier audio, comme des messages préenregistrés ou de la musique, utilisez plutôt le tag <Play>.

Le verbe TwiML <Gather> collectera des chiffres ou transcrira le discours de l'appelant. Lorsque l'appelant a terminé, Twilio soumet les données à l'URL « action » fournie.

Suivant Sélectionnez la commande sur laquelle vous souhaitez en savoir plus : <Dial><Record>, ou SMS

using Twilio.TwiML;
using Twilio.TwiML.Voice;
using System;

var response = new VoiceResponse();

var gather = new Gather(input: "speech dtmf", numDigits: 1);
gather.Say("Please choose from the following options. Press 1 or say “dial” to be connected to the Twilio support phone menu. Press 2 or say “record” to leave yourself a message. Press 3 or say “message” to send yourself an SMS. While you choose your own adventure, here’s a lovely Chopin nocturne.");

var play = new Play(new Uri("http://com.twilio.sounds.music.s3.amazonaws.com/ith_chopin-15-2.mp3"));


import com.twilio.twiml.VoiceResponse;
import com.twilio.twiml.voice.*;

import java.util.Arrays;

Say say = new Say.Builder("Please choose from the following options. Press 1 or say “dial” to be connected to the Twilio support phone menu. Press 2 or say “record” to leave yourself a message. Press 3 or say “message” to send yourself an SMS. While you choose your own adventure, here’s a lovely Chopin nocturne.")

Play play = new Play.Builder("http://com.twilio.sounds.music.s3.amazonaws.com/ith_chopin-15-2.mp3")

Gather gather = new Gather.Builder()
	.inputs(Arrays.asList(Gather.Input.DTMF, Gather.Input.SPEECH))

VoiceResponse response = new VoiceResponse.Builder().gather(gather)

const VoiceResponse = require('twilio').twiml.VoiceResponse;
const response = new VoiceResponse();

const gather = response.gather({
	input: 'speech dtmf',
	numDigits: '1',

gather.say('Please choose from the following options. Press 1 or say “dial” to be connected to the Twilio support phone menu. Press 2 or say “record” to leave yourself a message. Press 3 or say “message” to send yourself an SMS. While you choose your own adventure, here’s a lovely Chopin nocturne.');


require_once './vendor/autoload.php';

use Twilio\TwiML;

$response = new TwiML();

$gather = $response->gather(['input' => 'speech dtmf', 'numDigits' => '1']);
$gather->say('Please choose from the following options. Press 1 or say "dial" to be connected to the Twilio support phone menu. Press 2 or say "record" to leave yourself a message. Press 3 or say "message" to send yourself an SMS. While you choose your own adventure, here’s a lovely Chopin nocturne.');

echo $response;
from twilio.twiml.voice_response import VoiceResponse, Gather

response = VoiceResponse()

gather = Gather(input='speech dtmf', num_digits=1)
gather.say('Please choose from the following options. Press 1 or say "dial" to be connected to the Twilio support phone menu. Press 2 or say "record" to leave yourself a message. Press 3 or say "message" to send yourself an SMS. While you choose your own adventure, here’s a lovely Chopin nocturne.')


require 'twilio-ruby'

response = Twilio::TwiML::VoiceResponse.new do |r|
  r.gather(numDigits: 1, input: 'dtmf') do |g|
    g.say(message: 'Please choose from the following options. Press 1 or say “dial” to be connected to the Twilio support phone menu. Press 2 or say “record” to leave yourself a message. Press 3 or say “message” to send yourself an SMS. While you choose your own adventure, here’s a lovely Chopin nocturne.')
    g.play(url: 'http://com.twilio.sounds.music.s3.amazonaws.com/ith_chopin-15-2.mp3')

puts response
	<Gather input="speech dtmf" numDigits="1">
	<Say>Please choose from the following options. Press 1 or say "dial" to be connected to the Twilio support phone menu. Press 2 or say "record" to leave yourself a message. Press 3 or say "message" to send yourself an SMS. While you choose your own adventure, here’s a lovely Chopin nocturne.</Say>

Le verbe <Dial> redirige votre appelant au bon endroit. Cela peut être vers un autre numéro, un appel de conférence, un agent ou même une carte SIM programmable Wireless.

Dans cet exemple, nous utilisons le tag <Dial> pour vous rediriger vers le SVI (Serveur Vocal Interactif) d'assistance de Twilio que nos clients utilisent pour communiquer avec nos équipes de vente, d'assistance et de réception.

Merci d'avoir essayé cette solution !

Inscrivez-vous pour profiter de votre compte Twilio gratuit pour obtenir votre propre numéro Twilio et construire votre premier menu téléphonique programmable.

using Twilio.TwiML;
using Twilio.TwiML.Voice;
using System;

var response = new VoiceResponse();

response.Say("During an active call, you can use the Dial verb to connect the current caller to another party. We’re now going to connect you to the Twilio support phone menu, which we built with these same TwiML verbs.");

import com.twilio.twiml.VoiceResponse;
import com.twilio.twiml.voice.*;

import java.util.Arrays;

Say say = new Say.Builder("During an active call, you can use the Dial verb to connect the current caller to another party. We’re now going to connect you to the Twilio support phone menu, which we built with these same TwiML verbs.")

Dial dial = new Dial.Builder("+18448144627")

VoiceResponse response = new VoiceResponse.Builder()

const VoiceResponse = require('twilio').twiml.VoiceResponse;
const response = new VoiceResponse();

response.say('During an active call, you can use the Dial verb to connect the current caller to another party. We’re now going to connect you to the Twilio support phone menu, which we built with these same TwiML verbs.');


require_once './vendor/autoload.php';

use Twilio\TwiML;

$response = new TwiML();

$response->say('During an active call, you can use the Dial verb to connect the current caller to another party. We\'re now going to connect you to the Twilio support phone menu, which we built with these same TwiML verbs.');

echo $response;
from twilio.twiml.voice_response import VoiceResponse, Gather

response = VoiceResponse()

response.say('During an active call, you can use the Dial verb to connect the current caller to another party. We\'re now going to connect you to the Twilio support phone menu, which we built with these same TwiML verbs.')

require 'twilio-ruby'

response = Twilio::TwiML::VoiceResponse.new do |r|
  r.say(message: 'During an active call, you can use the Dial verb to connect the current caller to another party. We’re now going to connect you to the Twilio support phone menu, which we built with these same TwiML verbs.')
  r.dial(number: '+18448144627')

puts response
	<Say>During an active call, you can use the Dial verb to connect the current caller to another party. We’re now going to connect you to the Twilio support phone menu, which we built with these same TwiML verbs.</Say>

Consultez un tutoriel sur le menu téléphonique avec un exemple complet d'application

Consultez le reste du code requis pour faire fonctionner votre SVI (Serveur Vocal Interactif) Twilio.

Découvrez les expériences que vous pouvez créer avec Twilio.

Découvrez ces exemples de projets prêts à être utilisés pour des vérifications de téléphones, des rappels de rendez-vous, des chats Web, etc.

Créez un menu téléphonique grâce au glisser-déposer

Gagnez du temps et des sprints avec Twilio Studio. Désormais, n'importe quel membre de votre équipe peut créer ou modifier des flux vocaux à l'aide de votre code ou du code Twilio, le tout dans un cadre commun.