Twilio Hits the Road in the EU

September 17, 2012
Written by

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Our bags are packed and we’re hitting the road this week to visit seven cities across the EU for a stellar lineup of conferences, hackathons and developer events over the next two months. We’re really excited to meet you, talk shop and ship some global code.

Let us know where we can find you, tweet at any of the folks below or email

Meet the Traveling Team:

James Parton: European Marketing Director, wannabe drummer, and recently converted Justin Beiber fan.


Rob Spectre: Developer Evangelist, self-proclaimed punk rock historian, competes under the moniker “Pain Train” in Twilio’s ping pong battles.


Neuman Vong: Software Engineer, lover of chocolate, and winner of Twilio’s unofficial “collector of best sweatshirts” competition.


Baber Shah: Technical Customer Advocate, aspiring amateur fencer, maker of cat-themed Twilio apps


Syd Lawrence: Developer Evangelist, world class giver of hi-fives, lover of the band The XX


Jon Gottfried: Developer Evangelist, purveyor of knowledge and dulcet tones on Twilio’s Quickstart Series, shoe-in for a role on “Startup Swag Hoarders” if TLC ever produced that show.


Carter Rabasa : Sr. Developer Evangelist, highly-caffeinated, based in Seattle and huge fantasy football fanatic.


Here’s Where We’ll Be:

September 18th – Facebook Hack Spain / Barcelona
September 20th – London Web Boat Cruise / London
September 21st – Facebook Hack UK / London
September 21st – 23rd Magento Hackathon / London
September 26th – Art Hack Gallery Show / London
September 28th – Facebook Hack Poland / Warsaw
September 28th -29th – LxJS / Lisbon
September 28th – MiniBar / London
October 1st – Apps World Meetup / London
October 2nd – 3rd – Apps World Conference / London
October 5th – 6th – Silicon Beach / Bournemouth
October 6th -7th – JS Conference EU / Berlin
October 17th – 18th – Dublin Web Summit / Dublin
October 18th – 19th – The Node Summit / Dublin
October 19th – 21st – Launch48 / London
October 23rd – 24th – The Future of Voice / London
October 25th – 26th – DroidCon / London

We hope to see you on the road. Until then, happy hacking!