Teach Twilio [Developer Contest]

April 25, 2011
Written by
Rahim Sonawalla
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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We all got our start with Twilio somewhere. For many of us, it was the API docs and the sample code, but different people learn different ways.

Typically, the developer contests challenge you to write a Twilio app in a week, but this week we’d like to change the pace. This week, we want to see how our developer community can help those that are just getting started with Twilio. Write a tutorial or create a screencast that walks a newcomer through their first interesting and useful Twilio app. Or give a presentation at your local developer meetup, and send us the recording. Or maybe even create a comic!

Be creative and help your fellow developers get started with Twilio. Below are some screencasts created by our community to get you started:

Example: Product Lookup Using Google

@justvaill shows how to build a phone based application using Twilio that searches Google for a given UPC (universal product code) and returns the lowest cost available online for that product. 47 lines of code, 3 minutes!

Example: Creating a Conference Call with Ruby

Frank Denbow demonstrates how to use Ruby to code up a conference call using Twilio.

Entries must be submitted by 11:59pm PT on Sunday May 1st. Entries can be submitted here. The winner will receive an Amazon Kindle 3G, $100 in Twilio credit, Twilio swag, and the benefit of knowing they helped out someone new to the community.

What’s This Developer Contest All About?

Each week we announce a new category to encourage developers to try Twilio for different use cases, industries, and integrations. As a language-agnostic platform for cloud communications, we want to see developers from all backgrounds find success and solve problems with Twilio. To fire your imagination and reward your efforts, we’ve run this developer contest for over a year.

How To Get Involved

Submissions to the contest can be submitted here. If you need any help or want to bounce ideas off other Twilio developers, please join us on our forums or drop a note to help@twilio.com.

Photo Credit: oskay on Flickr