Startup Weekend Challenge Submissions So Far

December 04, 2009
Written by
Danielle Morrill
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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Startup Weekend continues in Paris, Corvallis Oregon, and Boston today through Sunday, and so the Twilio Startup Weekend Challenge is open to teams at those events who use our API as part of their project.

We’ve been impressed and delighted by the submissions so far, and to get your creative juices flowing when it comes to how Twilio might be used in your own product we’d like to share some of the submissions with you now.  Judging for the contest does not begin until the end of December, so we welcome teams to submit their applications now to give us ample time for review.

Check Out the Submissions

Projects with live websites you can check out now:

This is not a complete list of submissions, we’re following up with other contributors to see if they have a live demo or website we can check out and we’ll share them with you soon.

Are you attending Startup Weekend?

If you’d like to have a shot at winning Netbooks for your entire team, why not incorporate the Twilio API into your project in some way.  Make it a core feature, or simply set up a simple company phone, it’s up to you.  Check out the Twilio Startup Weekend Challenge for more information, and feel free to reach out to us if you need any help – we’re always listening!