Robert McLaws Wins a Netbook with his Twilio WCF REST Client Library for .NET 3.5

August 17, 2009
Written by
Danielle Morrill
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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It Netbook Monday once again, and this week’s winner for the .NET developer category is Robert McLaws with his .NET library!

Robert also submitted in Week 5 for the open source category, and we are happy to see his submission a second time and award him a Netbook for his contribution to the Twilio developer community.

As Robert explains:

The Twilio WCF REST Client Library
is a strongly-type
d .NET API to build rich, robust services against
Twilio’s platform. It reduces the learning curve and barrier-to-entry
by eliminating the need to learn the ins and outs of Twilio’s system,
and instead provides a discoverable, thoroughly-documented,
IntelliSense-backed API library, as well as a sample Console
application to get you up and running quickly.

The Twilio WCF
REST Client Library for .NET 3.5 is built using standard WCF
conventions, as well as the WCF REST Toolkit, Preview 2.

What Are You Doing With Twilio?

Are you building something cool with Twilio?  Would you like to have your very own tiny, sleek, Dell mini Netbook?  Visit our contest page to learn more, and each week we will announce the next category on our website, blog, Facebook page, and Twitter.

Stay tuned… we’ll be announcing this week’s category shortly.