New Developer Contest: Twilio + Infochimps

July 04, 2011
Written by
Rahim Sonawalla
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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It’s a special day today for many of our readers. In addition to celebrating America’s Independence day, we want to celebrate data. I know that sounds crazy, but put Will Smith on mute for a minute and give me a chance.

Not too long ago, we didn’t have access to data. It existed, but it wasn’t really available. It was either shared on a one-off basis, or hidden somewhere in the deep corners of the Internet. Now, thanks to companies like Infochimps, you can have access to everything from all the reported UFO sightings to all the free WiFi spots in the nation.

So for this special day, we’re running a special contest with our friends at Infochimps. What interesting applications could you create with that kind of data? Perhaps a phone-powered UFO Mad Libs game? Or an SMS rolodex of social media profiles?  Be creative and show us what you could do with Twilio and almost any type of dataset imaginable.

For those of you new to Infochimps, they’re on a mission to make it easy for people to find, sell, and share data. They’ve got thousands of datasets, many of which are free.

It wouldn’t be a special contest, if there wasn’t a special prize. The winner of this developer contest will receive:

  • $100 in Twilio credit
  • $100 in Infochimps credit
  • A collection of swag from Twilio and Infochimps
  • All four books from the pioneer of data visualization, Edward Tufte

Entries must be submitted by 11:59pm PT on Sunday July 10th. Entries can be submitted here.

What’s This Developer Contest All About?

Each week we announce a new category to encourage developers to try Twilio for different use cases, industries, and integrations.  As a language-agnostic platform for cloud communications, we want to see developers from all backgrounds find success and solve problems with Twilio. To fire your imagination and reward your efforts, we’ve run this developer contest for over a year.

How To Get Involved

Submissions to the contest can be submitted here.  If you need any help or want to bounce ideas off other Twilio developers, please join us on our forums or drop a note to