New Developer Contest: Organizing People with Twilio (Ends Jan 30)

January 24, 2011
Written by
John Sheehan
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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The category for this week's Twilio Developer Contest is Coordinating People. This category is near and dear to me personally as it was the contest category that I won back in July of 2009 prior to being an employee of this fine establishment. Since then a lot has changed, most notably the addition of SMS capabilities to our APIs. So we're breaking this category out of the archive for another go round. It's time to crown a new champ of using Twilio to coordinate large groups of people.

To win this contest you'll need to find a creative way to use Twilio to coordinate or organize groups of people. This goes beyond just simple group messaging. The larger the group your app communicates with, the better. In addition to the size of the group, judging for this contest will heavily emphasize original use cases that have not been done before.

How do I win?

Step one, build an app using the Twilio API. Step two, submit your entry before January 30th, 11:59pm PT. You're done! After the contest ends, we'll judge the entries and select a winner based on the best combination of originality, completeness, usefulness and future potential. Bonus points for putting together helpful materials (screencasts, blog posts, etc.) that demonstrate the value of what you've built, or explain how it could become a business someday.

The winner of this contest will receive a Amazon Kindle 3G and $100 in Twilio credit. Entries must be submitted by 11:59pm PT on Sunday January 30th, 2011. Submit your entry here.

What's This Developer Contest All About?

Each week we announce a new category to encourage developers to try Twilio for different use cases, industries, and integrations.  As a language-agnostic platform for cloud communications, we want to see developers from all backgrounds find success and solve problems with Twilio.  To fire your imagination and reward your efforts, we've run this developer contest for over a year.

If you need any help or want to bounce ideas off our Twilio developers, please join us on our forums or drop a note to When you're done, submit your entry using the official contest submission form.

IMPORTANT: Everyone who has submitted previously and did not win is eligible to resubmit (we love that we make the rules!) so if you built a Twilio app in the past but weren't a winner we hope you'll consider sprucing up you old app for another chance at winning!

Photo by tfrancis