Instant Connections Between Leads and Sales Reps with FormActivate

September 10, 2012
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What stops a deal dead in it’s tracks? Phone tag, unanswered emails, long gaps of time, and unprepared sales reps. The two founders of FormActivate got tired of chasing their tails while chasing their leads, and came up with a new way for prospects and sales reps to communicate. Brad Slavin and Steve Shulman saw businesses spending buckets of money purchasing lists of leads, only to watch those leads snatched up by competitors before they could call. Lack of speed was the most obvious barrier to overcome in streamlining the leads-aqusition process. But, communication was also an issue. Sales reps don’t always answer their phone, and leads don’t always send an email or fill out a web form. To better the odds of closing a lead, a rep has to be able to capitalize on any avenue a lead uses to contact them, and fast.
Brad Slavin

Brad and Steve built a service provides an instant connection between lead and sales rep called FormActivate. The idea is to pipe every web form, email inquiry, or direct call through Form Activate. Form Activate then gathers the data from the lead’s inquiry, calls the sales rep using Twilio’s Voice service and relays that vital information to the rep. With the press of a button, the rep can then choose to call the lead back, email them, or schedule a call.

Steve Shulman

The entrepreneurs emphasize that FormActivate “intelligently routes the call to the correct person within the company,” fast. They’re hoping to disrupt the traditional “Click to Call” model by throwing some automated intelligence in-between the click and call.

You can read their company blog here and try FormActivate for yourself.