DropConf Offers On Demand Conference Calling with Twilio

June 07, 2010
Written by
Danielle Morrill
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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When we heard that David Berube had launched DropConf last month, we dropped him a note to see if we could learn more about how the service came to be an what his plans are for the future.

What is DropConf?

DropConf is an on-demand conference calling application — you pay per
conference call. The idea is that small business or freelancers for
example might only need one or two conference calls a month. Some months
they might not need any conference calls. All the other paid options
out there have monthly fees — so people are paying for a service they
don't need.

According to David, the service took a few weeks to make and the telephony is powered entirely by Twilio.

So David, What's Next for DropConf?

"What's next for DropConf… I'm the Founder & CTO of MoFuse and that requires a ton of my time and attention. So right now I'm
looking for a new owner for the service. Someone or some company that
can bring it to market and give it the attention it deserves and make
money from it."


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