Developer Contest: Give your iOS App a Voice with Twilio Client

February 27, 2012
Written by
Meghan Murphy
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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Twilio Client for iOS is now available for developers everywhere to easily integrate voice and presence into mobile apps. Now you can make and receive phone calls, and provide real-time presence using the data connection of your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch

We’re really excited to get hacking on new projects and see what mobile ideas the community comes up with next. This developer contest challenges you to get started with the new Twilio iOS SDK in return for the most epic of mobile developer glory. All contest entries will receive Twilio credit and recognition on the official Twilio blog, while the top winner will take home an iPad 3.

Time to download the SDK and give your iOS app a voice.

The Challenge: Build a Twilio Client iOS App

Get started on a new mobile app or add voice capabilities to a current app that really makes the experience unique. We’ve got documentation, helper libraries and sample code for you to dig into:

Here are a few interesting ideas to kickstart the brainstorm process:

  • Mobile games – Let players banter in real time or leave each other voice messages while playing iOS games. Built in presence gives you the ability to detect when other user are online.
  • Social apps – Build apps that let friends, contacts or mobile daters call each other with or without a traditional phone number. Enable 1:1 connections or multi-person voice chat.
  • Distributed mobile agents / call centers – Deploy phone agents anywhere with nothing but an iPad and a headset. Easily route calls to them based on their availability and skills.
  • Mobile commerce – Connect prospects and customers to sales or support agents in real time. Since callers stay inside the app, you can see exactly which products they’ve browsed when they call.
  • Mobile marketing – Build “tap-to-call” into your mobile campaigns and instantly connect a lead from within your app.

The Prizes

This contest is big and we’re packing the Twilio heat to reward the top Twilio Client iOS apps submitted.

  • Everyone that submits an app that meets the requirements will receive $15 Twilio credit – that’s 600 Twilio Client minutes
  • Everyone that submits an app that meets the requirements will receive recognition and link promotion to the app
  • Two runner ups will each receive $25 in Twilio credit – that’s 1,000 Twilio Client minutes
  • First place will receive $50 in Twilio credit and an iPad 3 so you can focus on building apps for the hottest mobile device, and a feature on the Twilio blog

Contest Rules

What’s This Developer Contest About?

Every month, we encourage developers to build something awesome with a Twilio-powered contest.  As a language agnostic platform for cloud communications, we want developers of every shape, size and stripe to solve problems and grab a little glory using Twilio. To kickstart the creative process, we’ve run these developer contests for over a year.

How To Get Involved

Submissions are accepted via this handy-dandy form. If you need any help or want to bounce some ideas off of other Twilio coders, join us on our forums or just drop a note to