Expensify.com Uses Twilio to Power Credit Card Validaton and Customer Support

April 20, 2009
Written by
Danielle Morrill
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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If you’re like me, expense reports are a hassle and a frustration.

  • Saving receipts?
  • Reviewing credit card statements line by line?
  • Waiting to get reimbursed?

I get stressed out just thinking about it, and even more stressed about what will happen if I don’t get it done.

Expense Reports in the Cloud

Fortunately any source of great frustration is an opportunity for an entrepreneur, and thank goodness for that kind soul who sets out to offer a remedy for the pain.  A few weeks ago, Expensify launched their web-based expense reporting service to simplify this entire process and they are using Twilio to power their dial-in credit card activation and impressive customer service phone hot-line.

Check Out The 3 Minute Demo

Usually I try to make up some fun story about using a customer’s product, but since I actually am an expensify customer and I’d have to show you a lot of personal info (credit card statements would show my latte factor is HIGH!) here’s their gorgeous demo instead:

How Expensify Works

  1. Sign up for an Expensify account
  2. Decide if you want an Expensify credit card
  3. Enter your credit card information to pull records from the web
  4. Select the transactions you want include in your expense report
  5. Send in any images of receipts you want included with the report
  6. Submit your expense report to your employer

And you’re done!  I used this last month for my Twilio expense reports and it was a breeze!

Expensify & Twilio

Expensify uses Twilio to power their customer support over the phone.  Check out this video of Dave and Vitold from Expensify, talking about development work they did on top of Twilio:

Customer Call: Expensify.com – Expense Reports in the Cloud from Twilio on Vimeo.

To read more about what Expensify, is up to check out their blog.