Business Owners: Reach Your Customers Instantly With Textingly

July 12, 2011
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Textingly is a text message marketing service that helps small businesses send text messages to their customers via the web. Textingly handles message delivery on both outbound and inbound text messages, contact list management, and reporting. It is all opt-in and consumers scan start, pause, or stop the messages at any time. We caught up with Greg Reitman, Director of Marketing at Textingly, to learn how they got started. You can follow him on Twitter at @textingly or shoot him an email at with any questions.

How was Textingly started?

Textingly launched at TechCrunch Disrupt in 2010 on the basic premise that many small and local businesses face the same challenges each and every day: all of their customers use text messaging, but the services to send and receive text messages from the internet are too difficult to use. The stats are staggering: over 97% of text messages are opened and we found in our research that local businesses love the immediacy of the medium and know how it works. With that, Textingly was born.

What are your future plans for the product?

We’re always iterating Textingly based on our customers’ feedback. We launched our App Platform in May that unlocks lots of new ways to use the service. In the coming months we’ll also be adding features to make it easier for businesses to use short messaging for all aspects of their communication.

What technologies are you using to build and support Textingly?

We’re built on a LAMP stack. We’re following in MailChimp‘s footsteps!

How was the experience of integrating Twilio with your chosen tools and technologies?

It was super simple to add Twilio support to Textingly. Best API on the planet.

How did you get started developing with Twilio?

Firstly, we are thrilled to be working with Twilio. We’ve been big fans of your product from day 1. This is exciting for us because it’s really a win-win. Twilio is a tremendous platform to build on and we help to make it even better. We can bring Twilio to developers and non-developers alike.

Thanks for taking the time to talk to us, Greg! Twilio customers can head over to and get started free with integration today. Have you used Textingly before? Let us know in the comments!