Introducing Request Replay: An Easier Way To Debug and Deploy Your Twilio Apps

April 28, 2014
Written by
Almitra Karnik
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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At Twilio, we’re constantly looking for new ways to give developers greater visibility into their applications.  Tools like the API Explorer, App Monitor, and Test Credentials help make Twilio applications easier to operate, debug, and deploy.

Today we’re happy to introduce you to a new feature in that same family, Request Replay, making it easier for you to debug applications and compare failed requests against one another.

Side By Side Comparison

The Request Inspector tool gives developers insight into the response of their web server and the TwiML Twilio executes. But, when a request fails, developers are left to their own devices to reproduce the problematic request and debug it in the context of their application. That’s where Request Replay comes in.

In the App Monitor and Call Details page, you can find a log of all the requests Twilio makes to your application. Once you’ve identified a failed request, you can replay it and see the side-by-side difference between the two responses.

The replayed request is identical to the original. Twilio will send all the same header and request information. You can even play the request back against a different endpoint, so you can test a failed production request against your development server.


Request Replay is a big step forward in making developing and debugging Twilio applications a more seamless process for developers.  We hope you think so, too and we can’t wait to see what you build using it.