Announcing TwilioCon Keynote Speaker Mae Jemison: From Space Travel to Entrepreneurship

July 31, 2013
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Dr. Mae Jemison was the first woman of color to travel in space; but that’s just one highlight of Mae’s incredible career. Dr. Jemison is an entrepreneur, a Stanford trained chemical-engineer, a doctor, a dancer, a professor and a Peace Corps volunteer.

We are thrilled to announce that Dr. Jemison will be delivering a keynote at this year’s TwilioCon.

When Dr. Jemison was featured on Star Trek in 1993, it was the second time she’d been in space. She worked as a mission specialist aboard the STS-47 September 12th-20th 1992. This was after Jemison entered Stanford University at age 16, earned dual degrees in chemical engineering and African American Studies, and served the Peace Corps in Sierra Leone. That was before she went to NASA and became an astronaut.

Dr, Jemison has a wealth of knowledge in innovation from her time at NASA, to her professorship at Dartmouth, to founding her own technology consulting firm, The Jemison Group which is focused on leveraging communication technology for socio-cultural issues.

The Jemison Group, Inc. launched projects using satellite technology for health care delivery in West Africa and solar dish Stirling engines for electricity generation in developing countries.

To learn more about Dr. Jemison visit her website here, and reserve your ticket to TwilioCon here. Early Bird pricing ends tomorrow, August 1st.