Twilio Changelog
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See additions and changes to the Twilio platform.
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Nov 17, 2021
With Verify’s TOTP (Soft Token) channel you can support authentication through software-based authenticator apps like Authy or Google Authenticator. It’s great for businesses looking for a more secure and lower-cost option compared to SMS OTP that works offline and doesn’t require a phone number. With this release, the API is publicly available and supports production-scale workloads. Learn more here.
Nov 16, 2021
We have rolled back our release to Public Beta for the new Calls resource property, CallToken, back to Private Beta due to unexpected behavior on a small number of accounts. We are working on a fix and will re-release as soon as possible.
If you were already part of the Private Beta, everything will continue to work as it has been. For more information see original changelog here.
Nov 10, 2021
A new Calls resource property, CallToken, has been added to the Programmable Voice API. CallToken is an optional parameter that customers can use to forward their calls. A CallToken is generated when an incoming call is received on Twilio. Customers can now populate the CallToken parameter with the CallToken from the incoming call to forward their calls and maintain the same caller-id from the inbound call on the outbound call.
In the future in the United States, when SHAKEN/STIR DIV PASSporT is supported by carriers, end to end call authentication will be possible by using the CallToken.
Nov 09, 2021
TaskRouter now offers dedicated properties in the Workflow filter target to improve support for use cases where the agent is already known, e.g., because the customer previously spoke to that agent (‘last agent routing’) or has an existing relationship with that agent / advisor (‘preferred agent routing’).
Developers can utilize properties for either the agent’s Worker SID or Worker friendly name in a Workflow filter target and specify the respective value on the Task.
Utilizing this feature will yield significant performance improvements over the general evaluation logic and prevent latencies during routing and assignment of such Tasks.
To learn more about the TaskRouter Known Agent Routing feature, please refer to our documentation on Known Agent Routing.
Nov 04, 2021
As previously communicated, Twilio is adding functionality to the Programmable Voice <Dial> verb. Although the new features are specific to SIP Connectivity via <Dial><Sip>, the new functionality may affect your existing applications using <Dial>, <Dial><Client>, and <Dial><Number>. <Dial><Conference> and <Dial><Queue> are not impacted.The deadline to account for these changes in your application code is 16 November 2021.
In most cases, your existing code will continue to function; however, there are some functional improvements and behavioral changes which could possibly impact your application. We recommend testing your existing application code in dev or staging environments before 16 November 2021 to identify any potential impacts.
The new features can be enabled on the Programmable Voice Settings page by clicking the Enable Advanced Programmable SIP Features setting. This will activate the new features on an account-wide level.
Twilio initially communicated that these features will be applied to all accounts after 31 July 2021, but following customer feedback we extended the testing period to 16 November 2021.
Nov 03, 2021
We are keeping your runtime up to date in accordance with industry standards. Based on the Node.js support schedule, Node.js v12 will no longer be in Maintenance long-term support (LTS) status after April 30, 2022. Production applications should only use releases of Node.js that are Active LTS or Maintenance LTS.
Your currently deployed functions will continue to execute on the existing Node.js v12 runtime if no changes are made.
Follow these instructions to upgrade, test, and deploy your code and ensure a safe transition to Node.js v14.
Nov 03, 2021
ISV customers using the APIs to register brands for US A2P 10DLC will see two new values for brand registration status (‘status’ field):
Customers will also see new behavior for this field. You can check the github changelog here for the new enums available November 1. Starting December 1, using GET API to check brand registration Status will return ‘status’ as IN_REVIEW when your brand is under manual third-party review. The manual review can take 7+ days. Status ‘DELETED’ will be returned when a brand is deleted. Since a new status type can be a breaking change for you, please update your code before Dec 1.
Additionally, behavior of the ‘status’ field now represents a more accurate status of the brand as it is APPROVED only when your brand registration is complete and you can move to campaign creation. This eliminates the need for you to check multiple fields to know the action required from you on a brand. You can see the new behavior of status in the A2P wizard within Twilio Console, and in the API. Before December 6th, IN_REVIEW status will be visible on Console but not be returned in API to give adequate time for your API integration to be updated.
Nov 01, 2021
New U.S. A2P 10DLC registration flows are now available for 527 Political Organizations and K-12 Education customers. These new registration flows are available in both the A2P wizard in the Console as well as ISV APIs.
For more information on eligibility, messaging limits, pricing, and FAQs for these registration flows, please see our article on Special Use Cases for A2P 10DLC.
Oct 28, 2021
You can now delete WhatsApp message templates in the Twilio Console. To delete a message template, click on the template name on the WhatsApp Message Templates page and then click “Delete” at the bottom on the page. Per WhatsApp guidelines, you may not reuse the name of a deleted template for 30 days after deletion.
Oct 26, 2021
On October 26th 2021, the following Amazon Polly Neural voices will be set to Conversational speaking style by default. Amazon made Conversational speaking style default on June 28, 2021 for all new neural voices available at Twilio, deprecating the neutral speaking style. This change brings Conversational speaking style to the remaining set of Polly Neural voices used by Twilio.
Voices: Polly.Matthew-Neural (en-US), Polly.Joanna-Neural (en-US), Polly.Amy-Neural (en-GB) and Polly.Lupe-Neural (es-US).
Note there is no impact to any functionality or interface. As the neutral speaking style has been deprecated by Amazon, this change is permanent (no revert back option available). Compared to the legacy neutral style, the Conversational speaking style feature generally makes neural voices sound more friendly and expressive.
For more information about Twilio Text-to-Speech with Amazon Polly visit our docs.