Programmable Voice | May. 09, 2022

External Storage for Call Recording is now available

External storage for call recordings is now available for all voice customers. Call recordings will remain to be stored at Twilio by default. Alternatively, customers can enable external storage and automatically upload recording files directly to an AWS S3 bucket without additional charges.

To determine whether the recording’s media file is stored externally or at Twilio, a new property mediaUrl has been added to the call recording resource with the full URL location of the file; this will apply also to existing RecordingUrl property from the RecordingStatusCallback. When external storage is enabled, recording files from two-party calls get uploaded as dual-channel regardless if they are requested to be mono or dual-channel. Recording resource metadata is available at Twilio until explicit deletion.

Prior to this release, recording status callbacks could be used for automating recording file download and deletion but required additional software development and additional API requests by customers to set up this workflow.

Learn more.

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