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Twilio Programmable Voice logo

May 09, 2022

GA Voice

External Storage for Call Recording is now available

External storage for call recordings is now available for all voice customers. Call recordings will remain to be stored at Twilio by default. Alternatively, customers can enable external storage and automatically upload recording files directly to an AWS S3 bucket without additional charges.

To determine whether the recording’s media file is stored externally or at Twilio, a new property mediaUrl has been added to the call recording resource with the full URL location of the file; this will apply also to existing RecordingUrl property from the RecordingStatusCallback. When external storage is enabled, recording files from two-party calls get uploaded as dual-channel regardless if they are requested to be mono or dual-channel. Recording resource metadata is available at Twilio until explicit deletion.

Prior to this release, recording status callbacks could be used for automating recording file download and deletion but required additional software development and additional API requests by customers to set up this workflow.

Learn more.

Twilio Conversations logo

May 05, 2022


Address Configuration is now available in the Conversations API

You can now manage the configurations related to a unique address (i.e. a WhatsApp or SMS phone number) within Conversations. This resource allows you to specify which addresses should auto-create a Conversation upon receiving an inbound message.

With this feature, you can also automatically attach a Conversation-scoped Webhook to the auto-created conversation.

Explore the Address Configuration API documentation and give it a try!

Twilio Super SIM logo

May 04, 2022

Beta Super SIM

Super SIM UsageRecords Show Amount Billed for Data

You can now see how much you were charged for data usage on Super SIM when using Super SIM’s /UsageRecords API by using the new data_total_billed property. Previously, you could only view how many bytes you had used. Now, you can view your usage in bytes and the amount you were charged for it side by side. Use this combined information to build your own usage and spending reports by filtering and grouping your usage across the different dimensions using the /UsageRecords API.

Values for data_total_billed are available for usage occurring on or after February 1, 2022.

For more information, check out the docs.

Twilio Phone Numbers logo

May 03, 2022

GA Phone Numbers

Changes to column order in CSV output for Incoming Phone Number and Outgoing Caller ID for both instance and list resource requests

On May 3rd, 2022 responses to API requests for CSV representation of Incoming Phone Number and Outgoing Caller ID resources for both list and instance will change; specifically the order of the columns may be different.

The order of the columns in the CSV is not defined and may change when new fields are added to the API response. Your application design should be resilient to changes in the order of the columns in the CSV response.

See our docs for more information about how to leverage CSVs with Twilio.

Twilio Elastic SIP Trunking logo

May 03, 2022

GA Elastic SIP trunking

Diversion header validation for termination calls

When Twilio receives termination traffic from your communications infrastructure to the PSTN, your SIP message can sometimes include SIP Diversion headers if the call was previously forwarded. Twilio will forward SIP Diversion headers it receives to the carriers.

To combat any malicious addition of Diversion headers, Twilio will now check all Diversion headers it receives that contain the Twilio domain. Twilio will verify that the phone number included in the header matches one associated with your Twilio account (either a Twilio number owned by the account or a verified Caller ID). If the header fails this check, Twilio will remove the header.

See the docs for more information.

Twilio Programmable Voice logo

May 02, 2022

GA Voice

Reminder: Upcoming changes to Programmable Voice behavior

As previously communicated, we are continuing to roll out Enhanced Programmable SIP Features to all accounts. This could represent a behavior change for some call flows, including calls that do not use Programmable SIP. For more information, see our docs page detailing the changes in Programmable Voice behavior.

Twilio Programmable Voice logo

Apr 29, 2022

GA Voice

Conference Insights General Availability

Every conference on Twilio is now being analyzed and aggregated by Conference Insights to provide visibility into participant behavior and offer prescriptive recommendations for resolving common quality and configuration issues.

Conference and Participant Summaries provide multiple views into conference metadata which allow users to see conference parameters, investigate participant event timelines, and understand detected quality issues. Both summary records return useful metadata about the conference and its performance.

Conference and Participant Summaries are available via Console, API and Event Streams.

Conference and Participant Summaries are included with all conferences at no additional cost via Console. Voice Insights Advanced Features are required for API and Event Stream access.

For more information see docs.

Twilio Programmable Voice logo

Apr 28, 2022

GA Voice

Regional Voice is now Generally Available in Australia

Twilio’s home region in Australia is now generally available, with Twilio Voice being the first available product. This gives you control over where Voice data is ingested, processed, and stored, enabling you to keep personal data at rest within the region of your choice. It also offers data processing that is closer to your applications, thus reducing latency and improving application performance for highly interactive, real time interactions.

To learn more on how to get started with Twilio Voice in Australia, head over to our developer docs.

Click here for documentation about Twilio Regions.

Twilio Frontline logo

Apr 27, 2022

Frontline Beta

Voice is now HIPAA Eligible on Twilio Frontline

Voice can now be used on Twilio Frontline to develop compliant healthcare applications that contain protected health information (PHI) for organizations that are subject to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Twilio will sign Business Associate Addendums (BAA) with covered entities and business associates for HIPAA Eligible Products and Services.

Learn more about Voice in Twilio Frontline and how to build on Twilio for HIPAA compliance.

Twilio Super SIM logo

Apr 27, 2022

Beta Super SIM

Usage Insights by SIM for Super SIM in Console

The new Usage by SIM tab added to Super SIM Insights displays a per-SIM breakdown of your Super SIM data usage. Each row in the table shows how much data a SIM downloaded or uploaded and the total amount. Because the rows are sorted by total amount, you can easily identify which of your Super SIMs have exchanged the most data over a specified time period. View the top entries in the table to quickly single out any outliers. Filter the results by Fleet, Country, or Network to further slice-and-dice your usage.

In addition, the rightmost column contains spending information for each record. This data allows you to better understand your per-device spend on Super SIM usage. You can draw various insights, such as which of your SIMs have incurred the highest costs. It is particularly helpful to decouple data consumption and monetary spend into separate entries because different networks charge different rates. As such, although one SIM might be consuming less data than the other, it could still have incurred higher costs if it were operating on a more expensive network.

Access Usage Insights by SIM in Console via Monitor > Insights > Super SIM and select the “Usage by SIM” tab.


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