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Twilio Programmable Voice logo

Mar 10, 2023

GA Voice

Geo permissions name change for Norfolk Island (+672)

Geographic permissions exist to help you protect your application from fraud and abuse, or simply avoid unexpectedly high costs for voice or messaging usage. Voice Geo Permissions control which countries and subsets of phone numbers you can dial out to from your Twilio project and can be managed in the Console via the Voice Geo Permissions page or using the API.


We have updated the country name for the code +672 from “Norfolk Island” to “Australian External Territories” to be more consistent with the definition by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU)

  • Australian External Territories (country code +672)  
  • Norfolk Island (external territory of Australia) (country code +672 3)
Twilio logo

Mar 09, 2023


Twilio PHP Helper Library major version 7.x release

Twilio PHP SDK major version 7.x is now available. 

Behind the scenes the PHP Helper is now auto-generated via OpenAPI with this release. This enables us to rapidly add new features and enhance consistency across versions and languages.

You can find the new version on Packagist.

To learn more about the PHP Helper Library, check out our docs.

Twilio Microvisor logo

Mar 08, 2023

Microvisor Beta

MQTT now supported by Microvisor

Microvisor developers need a lightweight, scalable, and reliable way to send high volumes of sensor and other device data to their cloud platforms to perform analytics that can then drive business decisions. Microvisor therefore now supports MQTT, a lightweight network protocol for machine-to-machine messaging, predominantly used in low-power IoT architectures.

The general MQTT architecture looks as follows:



Microvisor provides a set of system calls which allow your application, acting as the MQTT client, to communicate with public and private MQTT brokers to subscribe to topics, post messages to those topics, and to be notified of inbound messages. 

Your application will ask Microvisor to perform MQTT tasks on its behalf, and Microvisor will respond immediately, either accepting the command or providing a reason why it is unable to do so. It will respond asynchronously with the outcome of accepted operations. Microvisor’s notification system is used to manage this asynchronicity.

For more information, visit How to Issue MQTT Requests Under Microvisor.

Twilio Messaging logo

Mar 07, 2023

Messaging GA

WhatsApp inbound messages will now include reply context

When users reply to a specific WhatsApp message, Twilio now passes additional context to the WhatsApp Sender’s webhook URL. The OriginalRepliedMessageSender and OriginalRepliedMessageSid parameters will include information about the previous message the user replied to. If you need the content of the original message, you can use this API to fetch the Message Resource.

Note that only message replies to messages sent within the last 7 days will contain this additional context. Incoming message replies to messages sent over 7 days ago will still be delivered, but will lack this additional information.

For more information about this and other inbound message parameters, please refer to this page.

WhatsApp Message Reply

Twilio Messaging logo

Mar 07, 2023


Programmable SMS Geo Permissions - Israel and Palestine Prefix Update

Twilio is making changes to Geo-Permissions in the Twilio Console to better differentiate traffic being sent to both Israel and Palestine. Palestine, which previously was only +970 will now include Palestinian networks operating with +972 prefixes. If you enabled geo permissions for Israel and/or Palestine, then we have updated your selection based on the corrected prefixes.  Israel will no longer send traffic to +97256 and +97259 since these two prefixes are associated with Palestinian Jawwal and Wataniya cellular communication company.

If needed, you can enable or disable SMS Geo Permissions to any country at any time in Twilio Console by following the steps in this Support Article.

Twilio Programmable Voice logo

Mar 02, 2023

GA Voice

Default maximum queue size increased from 100 to 1000

The default maximum size for queues has been increased from 100 to 1000; maximum size for existing queues remain unchanged, this change impacts newly created queues only. Maximum queue size can be adjusted using the /Queues API via the max_size parameter.

Twilio Messaging logo

Feb 22, 2023


Programmable SMS Geo Permissions - Risky Country User Acknowledgement

In an ongoing effort to raise awareness of the risk of SMS Traffic Pumping fraud, Twilio has added a popup asking customers to acknowledge the risk when opting to send SMS traffic to countries Twilio has identified a rise of SMS Traffic Pumping Fraud. Twilio will update this list from time to time.

What do I need to do?

We recommend review of the current geo-permissions on your account in Console.

(Support Article) Please take the following steps to protect your account from SMS Traffic Pumping Fraud:

  1. Log in to your Twilio Account and verify the traffic history on your account is legitimate in Messaging Insights.
  2. Take steps to protect your applications from abuse by following best practices in this SMS Traffic Pumping article, including turning off geo permissions for countries when not in use.
Twilio Flex logo

Feb 21, 2023

GA Flex

Flex UI 1.33 is now available with fixes for plugin load time increase and incorrect display of agents

This release addresses issues around increased plugin loading time and list of agents not displaying correctly when the hidden filter property is configured.

Twilio Programmable Voice logo

Feb 21, 2023

GA Voice

Application Connect for Programmable Voice is now Generally Available

Twilio Application Connect for Programmable Voice is now Generally Available. We have added an <Application> noun to the existing TwiML <Dial> verb, which allows you to place Voice calls from one TwiML Application to another. This allows you to:

  • Connect Voice calls across Twilio accounts, without using a Twilio number or SIP Proxy in-Between.
  • Separate complex application flows into smaller, more modular applications.

For more information on Twilio Application Connect, please check out the Usage and TwiML documentation.

Twilio Messaging logo

Feb 14, 2023

GA Messaging

Addition of RawDlrDoneDate to Delivered and Undelivered Status Webhooks

In order to provide additional information and transparancy around delivery timing we are adding a new parameter (RawDlrDoneDate) to Delivered and Undelivered status update webhooks for MMS and SMS messages. This parameter is a passthrough of the Done Date included on the DLR (Delivery Receipt) that we receive from our carrier partners. It takes the format of YYMMDDhhmm where:

YY = last two digits of the year (00-99)

MM = month (01-12)

DD = day (01-31)

hh = hour (00-23)

mm = minute (00-59)

Important notes on this data:

The format only includes minute level precision.

  • The format does not provide timezone information. In practice, the timezone offset varies between carrier partners and even within the same carrier.
  • Because of SMS/MMS signaling intricacies, not all messages will receive a RawDlrDoneDate in the Delivered or Undelivered status. Not all carrier partners offer DLRs and some messages go undelivered before a DLR is available.
  • This parameter will also be added to Event Streams in the near future. Integrating with the parameter in event streams will require upgrading to a new schema version.
  • The feature will be rolled out gradually. We expect the vast majority of Delivered/Undelivered messages to include the data by the end of February 2023.

It is strongly recommended that you use a Twilio provided signature validation library to verify the provenance of all webhooks arriving at your servers. The specific ordering and parameters included with each webhook depend on a number of factors and will evolve over time; thus it is important to follow the full specification of signature validation. This is already fully implemented and tested in the Twilio provided SDKs.


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