Twilleetio Wins Netbook #2 – New Category for This Week: Outbound Notifications

June 02, 2009
Written by
Danielle Morrill
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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Let’s hear a big round of applause for Trevor Smith, a contract web developer in Seattle with a
history of turning wild ideas into products.  Trevor won Week #2 of the Twilio Developer Contest with Twilleetio.

The category for Week #2 was “Killer Marketing Tools”, and Trevor killed it with this tool for phoning in short audio segments and sharing them with Twitter.

Try Twilleetio For Yourself

To try out Twilleetio, dial (206) 455-6221, and use passcode 4422.  Leave a message, and when you are prompted choose to tweet it.  Then visit the Twilleetio Twitter account, to see a link to the audio file and a transcription of the call.


The source code for this application is open, and you can find it here.

Announcing Week #3 Category: Notifications & Alerts

Do you ever wish your calendar would call you with a reminder about an important meeting, so you could leave with time to spare?  What if your grocery list could remind you to get the milk and eggs while you’re out?  Imagine being alerted to system failures, urgent emails, and other things you want to deal with RIGHT NOW, with software that’s smart about filtering and feeding you only the most relevant content.

This week we challenge you to explore use cases around generating high signal-to-noise notifications and alerts with telephony, using Twilio.  Submissions are due by midnight on Sunday, June 7th so don’t wait – so get started now!