Reading Excel Spreadsheets with Python, Flask, and OpenpyxlLizzie Siegle
How to Build a Serverless API with Amazon Web Services’ API GatewayEric Chou
How I Hacked My University’s Registration System with Python and TwilioSamuel Taylor
Checking Your Daily Spending via SMS with Python, Plaid and TwilioZev Averbach
Birth Announcements for the Busy Father using Python, Flask and TwilioSean Beck
Leaving A Message For A Rockstar with Python and TwilioKyle Kelly-Yahner
How to Send SMS Text Messages with AWS Lambda and Python 3.6Matt Makai
Texting robots on Mars using Python, Flask, NASA APIs and Twilio MMSSam Agnew
Developer Digest: Automating Wedding Stress Away in PythonKyle Kelly-Yahner