Parse HTML for Book quotes with Python, Beautiful Soup, and WhatsAppLizzie Siegle
Send an SMS message During a Phone Call with Python and FlaskKat King
Improving your pun game with Python, Rhymebrain and the Twilio API for WhatsAppSam Agnew
Finding and Fixing Website Link Rot with Python, BeautifulSoup and RequestsSamuel Huang
Building a World Cup Bot with Python, Twilio SMS and SlackMarina Bichoffe
Getting Started with Apache Spark by Analyzing Pwned PasswordsKelley Robinson
Building Intelligent Transportation Hardware Systems with Python, LoRa, MQTT and Twilio SyncShyam Purkayastha
Creating Mars-themed Apps with Python, Flask, Contentful and TwilioRobert Svensson
How I keep my mom updated on my travel schedule with Python, Twilio, and Google CalendarKelley Robinson