Create Your Own Conference Line in PHP using Twilio Programmable VoiceMarcus Battle
Manage the State of a Symfony-React application with MobXOluyemi Olususi
Adding a Click-to-Call Button to your Laravel ApplicationBrian Iyoha
Routing Customer Service Calls to Agents in PHP with Twilio Programmable Voice and LaravelBrian Iyoha
My 3 Favourite Things From Laravel 7Gary Hockin
Build a WhatsApp Chatbot with Twilio WhatsApp API, PHP, and LaravelBrian Iyoha
Sending One-time Passwords in WhatsApp using PHP, Laravel, and the Twilio API for WhatsAppBrian Iyoha
Create a Contact Form in PHP with Laravel and Twilio SendGridUgendu Ositadinma
Implementing Programmable Chat with Laravel PHP and Vue.jsFavour Oriabure