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Enable Chat Attachments (Webchat 2.0)



Webchat 2.0 is no longer supported. It uses Flex UI 1.x.x's legacy messaging, which has reached end-of-life.

If you are using Webchat 2.0, migrate to Webchat 3.x.x.

If you are starting out with Webchat, build with Webchat 3.x.x instead.



This Twilio product is currently available as a Public Beta release. Some features are not yet implemented and others may be changed before the product is declared as Generally Available. Beta products are not covered by a Twilio SLA. Learn more about beta product support(link takes you to an external page).

Attachment support in the Flex UI allows agents and customers to share files such as documents and images over a chat channel. To enable the web chat attachment pilot you'll need to be on Flex UI 1.20 and Flex Web Chat 2.5.

You have to enable chat attachments in both the Flex UI and Web Chat UI.

chat attachments.

Enable attachments in Flex UI

enable-attachments-in-flex-ui page anchor

To turn on chat attachments in Flex UI:

  1. From Twilio Console, navigate to the Opt-in features(link takes you to an external page) page.
  2. On the Beta tab, turn on Image and file sharing for WebChat.

Enable attachments in WebChat UI

enable-attachments-in-webchat-ui page anchor

To enable sending attachments between agents and customers, add the following code to Flex Web Chat UI webchat-appConfig.js configuration files.

fileAttachment: {
enabled: true

Enable read-only mode for Flex UI or WebChat UI

enable-read-only-mode-for-flex-ui-or-webchat-ui page anchor

If you want to limit users (customers or agents) from sending attachments but still want he to be able to see and download attachments sent to them, then you can configure attachments feature to be in readOnly mode.

fileAttachment: {
readOnly: true

The default configuration allows the following files types. Individual files can be up to 10Mb in size.

.jpeg, .jpg, .png, .gif.txt, .pdf