Elastic SIP Trunking Pricing

Only pay for what you use. No contracts and no channel limits.

United States






United States

In Depth

The table below contains all Elastic SIP Trunking pricing for the locale. The price to make a call may vary based on the destination of the call.

Make Calls



United States - 48 States (Zone 1)

$0.0053 / min

United States - Alaska (Zone 3)

$0.0315 / min

United States - Hawaii (Zone 2)

$0.0095 / min

United States - High Cost (Zone 4)

$0.0420 / min

United States - Toll Free

$0.0011 / min

Receive Calls

Number Type



$0.0034 / min
+$1.15/ mo

Toll Free

$0.0130 / min
+$2.15/ mo

United States


Whether you need 1 or 100,000 numbers, Twilio keeps a deep inventory in stock so local numbers are always there when you need them.

Pay-as-you-go Phone Number pricing

Local Numbers
Local phone numbers validated as spam‑free with a 120‑day seven‑point inspection.

Local Prefix
/ mo

Toll-Free Numbers
Toll Free phone numbers validated as spam‑free with a 120‑day seven‑point inspection.

Toll Free Prefix
/ mo

Enhance call experiences and streamline operations with intelligent service features. Pay‑as‑you‑go pricing gives you a fair price for any use case you build.

Intelligent service pricing

Unlimited Call Concurrency
Ability to support virtually unlimited simultaneous calls.


Secure Trunking
Encrypt signaling and media with SRTP/TLS for added security. Learn more


Emergency Calling
Associate emergency addresses with your phone numbers. When a 911 call is placed from a phone number without a registered emergency address, Twilio will charge a $75 fee per 911 call.

$0.75 / mo per number

Call Recording
Simply turn on Call Recording and Twilio will let you record, securely store, and retrieve trunking calls in the cloud. Learn more.*

$0.0025 / min

$0.0005 / min per month

* Dual channel recordings have two audio tracks, each billed for storage, at $0.0005 / min.

United States

Calls per Second (CPS) Pricing

Calculate global CPS. Available with pay‑as‑you‑go pricing and discounts for committed‑use. Provision up to 30 CPS in the console.

Make and receive calls in:

1 251+

Calls per second


Pay as you go Pricing

Committed-use pricing

United States

Committed-Use Discounts

Commit to a monthly volume and receive a custom discounts with lower rates on the routes most important to you.