
IDC Whitepaper: How a Platform Approach is Critical to Customer Engagement Success

More organizations are adopting an integrated customer engagement platform to drive personalized interactions and increase profits, all while protecting customer data.

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In today's digital world, what really sets a brand apart from the rest is its ability to understand customers and deliver meaningful interactions across channels. In fact, almost three in four customers say that a good customer experience is key to remaining loyal to a brand, according to an International Data Corporation (IDC) survey of 1,600 global respondents across various industries and roles.

But personalized customer engagement is only possible with the right customer data, and a customer will only provide such data if they feel confident in a company’s ability to securely store it. That’s why companies need to be extra vigilant in protecting customer data from cyber-attacks and breaches.

In this IDC whitepaper, sponsored by Twilio, we examine why more organizations are seeking to adopt an integrated customer engagement platform (CEP)—with a fully interoperable set of data and communication tools—in order to drive personalized interactions at scale and increase profits, all while protecting and securing customer data.