Public Policy | Jul. 24, 2019

Statement on FCC SHAKEN/STIR Implementation Proposal

Twilio submitted comments in response to the FCC’s public proposal to encourage STIR/SHAKEN implementation. To more effectively fight robocalls, Twilio recommends the FCC (1) adopt as proposed a narrow safe harbor for blocking of calls with complete attestation that fail SHAKEN/STIR authentication; (2) require voice providers to provide mechanisms for identifying and remedying blocking of wanted calls; and (3) establish a Critical Call List to ensure all emergency calls are received. To protect consumers from unwanted calls and to ensure they receive wanted calls, remediation efforts must be simple and transparent. In addition, blocking efforts must be spelled out in a specific, qualified manner that puts the best interest of consumers first and reserves their right to ultimately determine what calls they want to block and receive on their phones. We appreciate the leadership of the FCC and look forward to working with them, Congress and the broader communications eco-system towards the shared goal of blocking bad robocalls.