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Dec 17, 2020

Deprecated Programmable Fax

Programmable Fax end of life one year notice

As of December 17, 2021, we will be sunsetting support for the Twilio Programmable Fax offering.

We are sincerely sorry for any disruption this may cause. To ensure a smooth transition, existing customers may continue to use our Programmable Fax API until December 17, 2021. Additionally, we’ve partnered with mFax by Documo to offer a migration plan to prevent disruption.

For any question please read through the FAQ.

Twilio Marketing Campaigns logo

Dec 17, 2020

GA Marketing Campaigns

Signup Form Error Handling Enhancements

Signup forms will now display more elegant and helpful error messages when a user attempts to submit an invalid email address, leaves a required field blank, or fails to complete a CAPTCHA. Clear indications of where the error occurred in the form and legibility enhancements help users more quickly identify and fix form errors.

Twilio Programmable Voice logo

Dec 17, 2020

GA Voice

Voice Insights Dashboard Call Direction and Edge Location Filtering

Voice Insights Dashboard can now be filtered by call direction and edge location. Direction filtering allows you to compare call behavior between different call flows. For example, you can now compare answer rates between outbound API and outbound <Dial> calls, or investigate differences in network performance between SIP Trunking Originating or inbound Programmable Voice SIP calls.

Media region filtering has been available for some time, but we have updated the labeling to reflect the new Edge Location format; e.g. Ashburn (us1).

Twilio Elastic SIP Trunking logo

Dec 17, 2020

Beta Elastic SIP trunking

Bulk Export for Calls

Twilio now provides Bulk Export capabilities in Console for Calls resources as well as an API for programmatic access to the export utility.

Bulk Export generates S3 files containing one day of data per file and delivers the download link via webhook, email, Console, or API. Twilio Enterprise Edition customers can also set daily exports.

Twilio Marketing Campaigns logo

Dec 17, 2020

GA Marketing Campaigns

Import Contacts via Compressed CSV Files

You can now import up to 1 million contacts or 5GB of data, whichever is less, using compressed CSV files via the Contacts API. The import endpoint also supports gzipped CSV files.

Twilio Programmable Voice logo

Dec 17, 2020

Beta Voice

Bulk Export for Calls and Conferences

Twilio now provides Bulk Export capabilities in Console for Calls, Conferences, and Participants resources, as well as an API for programmatic access to the export utility.

Bulk Export generates S3 files containing one day of data per file and delivers the download link via webhook, email, Console, or API. Twilio Enterprise Edition customers can also set daily exports.

Twilio Elastic SIP Trunking logo

Dec 17, 2020

GA Elastic SIP trunking

Reminder: Upcoming changes to log availability for Calls

Starting February 5, 2021 you will be able to view call logs in Console--and retrieve the resources via GET to the /Calls endpoint--for thirteen months after the resource is created. This represents a significant change as these logs are currently stored indefinitely by Twilio and retrievable via Console and API.

Twilio provides a Bulk Export utility in Console. Bulk Export will generate S3 files containing one day of data per file and deliver the download link via webhook, email, or Console. Records older than thirteen months will only be able to be retrieved via Bulk Export.

If you view logs in Console there is no follow up action, but just be aware that calls and conferences will now only display logs for the previous 13 months.

If you perform log extraction via API on a rolling basis, it is important to verify that you are pulling the logs at a frequency that will remain unaffected by this change.

Twilio Programmable Voice logo

Dec 17, 2020

GA Voice

Reminder: Upcoming changes to log availability for Calls and Conferences

Starting February 5, 2021 you will be able to view call and conference logs in Console--and retrieve the resources via GET to the /Calls and /Conferences endpoints--for thirteen months after the resource is created. This represents a significant change as these logs are currently stored indefinitely by Twilio and retrievable via Console and API.

We provide a Bulk Export utility in Console. Bulk Export will generate S3 files containing one day of data per file and deliver the download link via webhook, email, or Console. Records older than thirteen months will only be able to be retrieved via Bulk Export.

If you view logs in Console there is no follow up action, but just be aware that calls and conferences will now only display logs for the previous 13 months.

If you perform log extraction via API on a rolling basis, it is important to verify that you are pulling the logs at a frequency that will remain unaffected by this change.

Twilio Elastic SIP Trunking logo

Dec 17, 2020

GA Elastic SIP trunking

Voice Insights Dashboard Call Direction and Edge Location Filtering

Voice Insights Dashboard can now be filtered by call direction and edge location.

Direction filtering allows you to compare call behavior between different call flows. For example, you can now investigate differences in network performance between Trunking Originating or Trunking Terminating calls.

Media region filtering has been available for some time, but we have updated the labeling to reflect the new Edge Location format; e.g. Ashburn (us1).

Twilio Developer Center logo

Dec 16, 2020

GA Serverless

Functions Invocations is now Generally Available

With Twilio Functions invocations moving to General Availability, you now have guaranteed service level agreements for functions and assets that you invoke. Twilio Functions replaces the need to host or stand up your own web server to serve TwiML or any other HTTP responses, underpinned by your own infrastructure and programming logic. Functions gives you the ability to develop programmatic logic to handle the orchestration of discrete tasks with the convenience of pre-built cloud infrastructure.


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