Twilio Changelog
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See additions and changes to the Twilio platform.
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Jun 30, 2021
Conference and Participant Summaries provide multiple views into conference metadata which allow users to see conference parameters, investigate participant event timelines, and understand detected quality issues.
Every conference on Twilio is now being analyzed and aggregated by Conference Insights to provide visibility into participant behavior and offer prescriptive recommendations for resolving common quality and configuration issues.
Conference and Participant Summaries are included with all conferences at no additional cost. For more information see our docs.
Jun 30, 2021
This release of Flex UI includes a public beta for Real-Time Queue Monitoring. This feature displays real-time metrics that are useful for managing queues during the day. We have added new default metrics - number of handled customers, number of abandoned customers, and SLA. The SLA shows the percentage of waiting customers that were connected to an agent within a desired target time. Developers can programmatically add additional metrics to extend this dashboard.
Jun 30, 2021
Runtime Handler version 1.1.1 has bug fixes and minor improvements.
This version is backward compatible and is available on the Serverless API and the New UI Editor. This handler version is not compatible with Functions(Classic).
To use the new handler version, go to the Dependencies tab, update @twilio/runtime-handler to 1.1.1, and create a new deployment. This handler version requires the Twilio SDK version 3.50.0 or later.
Documentation for Runtime Handler and detailed instructions on how to use the Runtime Handler with the Serverless Toolkit can be found in our docs.
Jun 29, 2021
The Call Log for Elastic SIP Trunking now can be customized to show the SIP Call ID related to your call. This value can be toggled into the columns of your Call Log using the new Configure Columns button located on the right side of the Filter pane to include the new value. You can now use this value in conjunction with the Call Log search bar that accepts SIP Call ID as a value as well. SIP Call ID values are protected under our GDPR policy and will only be available to view or search for for 30 days from the time the call is placed. For more information about troubleshooting your calls with Twilio’s Elastic SIP Trunking Call Logs please see our user documentation.
Jun 29, 2021
Organizations is a new structure that helps companies of all sizes manage their users and accounts on Twilio.
Customers can now create an umbrella Organization under which all of their users and accounts can belong. Additionally, customers can register their company domain(s) so that new users and accounts automatically become part of the Organization. This means spending less time switching between multiple accounts to find the right one.
This functionality is especially useful for customers who manage large numbers of accounts and users, and it lays the foundation for Twilio to build functionality for our customers at the organizational level.
Organizations are managed through Admin Center, a new Console UI that’s available to all customers.
Learn more about this feature in the Organizations documentation.
Jun 24, 2021
Today we are making the video processors JavaScript library for Twilio Video generally available. This add-on library contains processors for background blur and background replacement. It is used in conjunction with the Video Processor API in the Video JavaScript SDK.
The library provides a simple way to add virtual background support to your video application and allow your users to present a professional look when working from home or on-the-go. No separate download or browser plugin is required and the functionality can be added with a few lines of code.
For more information on this feature, see our blog post here or review the documentation here.
Jun 22, 2021
Runtime Handler version 1.1.0 leverages lazy-loading to improve the cold start time and latency of Functions that use the Twilio SDK. This version is backward compatible and is available on the Serverless API and the New UI Editor. This handler version is not compatible with Functions(Classic).
To use the new handler version, go to the Dependencies tab, update @twilio/runtime-handler to 1.1.0, and create a new deployment. This handler version requires the Twilio SDK version 3.50.0 or later.
Documentation for Runtime Handler and detailed instructions on how to use the Runtime Handler with the Serverless Toolkit can be found in our docs.
Jun 16, 2021
You can now download information about your Super SIMs from the Console in the form of a CSV file. This file will include information regarding each of your Super SIM’s ICCID, status, and Fleet configuration properties. You will be able to limit which SIMs are included in the CSV file by applying a filter (by Status, by Fleet, by Order) before initiating the download.
You can find the download button on the upper right corner of the Super SIM list view.
Jun 15, 2021
Access Twilio SendGrid documentation through a new, streamlined Twilio docs experience, offering enhanced discoverability and new features such as auto-generated code samples. Links will be redirected to the appropriate location in the new Twilio docs site.
Jun 15, 2021
Quick reply and call to action buttons can now be added to WhatsApp message templates when they are created in the Twilio Console. Buttons make it easy for businesses to streamline customer responses and guide their customers through conversational interactions, or drive them towards desired outcomes to improve engagement. Quick reply buttons let businesses define standard responses that users can tap to send. Call to action buttons trigger a phone call or direct users to a website when tapped.
To learn more about this exciting feature, check out our blog post or try it out for yourself today!