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Twilio Flex logo

Sep 23, 2021

GA Flex

Support for running multiple plugins using Flex Plugins CLI is now Generally Available

The Flex Plugins CLI’s local development server is now Generally Available. It enables developers to run multiple plugins on a local instance of Flex. It can load plugins either from the local source directory of a plugin or those that are currently deployed on your Flex application. This feature makes it easier and quicker to test a plugin you are developing locally with other plugins. Additional features include

  1. Ability to specify a version of a plugin to load with a new param @version
  2. Support for --port that lets you choose the port to start your developer server.

Upgrade your plugins to use the latest version of the Flex Plugins CLI and refer to our docs for more details.

Twilio Messaging logo

Sep 23, 2021

GA Messaging

Customers can now register post-approval A2P 10DLC campaigns

A subset of 5 A2P 10DLC Special Use Case campaigns require additional carrier approvals immediately following registration. These 5 post-approval use cases are now available for registration. Once a campaign information is submitted, it will remain in “review” until carriers grant approval on the campaign.

The special use cases that require carrier post-approval and are now available for registration via the Console and ISV APIs are:

  • Agents; franchise; local branches
  • Proxy (formerly Conversational)
  • Emergency
  • Social
  • Sweepstakes

You can read more about these in our support article or API docs.

Twilio Elastic SIP Trunking logo

Sep 22, 2021

GA Elastic SIP trunking

Solution blueprint for virtualized Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM) with virtualized Cisco Unified Border Element (vCUBE) SBC and Twilio Elastic SIP Trunking

We have introduced a solution for Cisco-based Unified Communications infrastructures that enables the Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM) to gain PSTN access using the virtual Cisco Unified Border Element (vCUBE) and Twilio Elastic SIP Trunking. This combination enables an organization using Cisco’s vCUBE to connect to the PSTN via Twilio Elastic SIP Trunking. You can learn more about this solution by referencing Twilio Elastic SIP Trunking Solution Blueprints.

Twilio Video logo

Sep 21, 2021

Beta Video

Video Room Monitor Public Beta

We are excited to announce the release of the Twilio Video Room Monitor, a browser-based tool providing javascript developers visibility into the inner workings of their Twilio Video application. It displays real-time information and metrics from the Room object and can be added to any Twilio Video javascript application with just a few lines of code.

The Video Room Monitor can be used as a tool during all phases of development or can be customized and provided to end-users as an in-call troubleshooting view.

For more information on the Video Room Monitor, see our blog post or visit the README.

Twilio Messaging logo

Sep 19, 2021

GA Messaging

Send Promotional or Marketing Messages on WhatsApp with Twilio

Businesses around the world can now send promotional or marketing template messages with the Twilio API for WhatsApp. Prior restrictions requiring notifications be related to specific transactions no longer apply. Businesses can now engage with their customers in new and exciting ways to drive better business outcomes such as sending timely renewal reminders, product upgrade offers, back in stock alerts, sale notices, promotional coupons, and much more!

For more details on how to send these messages using Twilio, please take a look at our documentation.

Twilio Video logo

Sep 17, 2021

GA Video

Mobile additions: Apple Silicon Simulator support, Chrome on iOS, new WebRTC Media Engine

We have released significant updates for our mobile SDKs and added Chrome on iOS support to our JavaScript SDK.

The Chromium WebRTC engine in the iOS & Android SDKs has been upgraded from m83 to m88. In addition to the security and performance improvements, these mobile SDKs now use the newer “unified plan” WebRTC signaling protocol, which provides improved browser compatibility in P2P and Go Rooms. The iOS SDK has added support for running the iOS Simulator on Apple Silicon ARM64 Macs. There is a major version increment for the Android SDK to 7.0 and the minimum Android API level has been increased from 16 to 21.

The 2.17 JavaScript SDK now supports the Google Chrome browser on iOS versions 14.3 and above.

For a full description of all the changes, see the Android SDK 7.0 changelog, iOS SDK 4.6 changelog and JavaScript SDK 2.17.

Twilio Messaging logo

Sep 15, 2021

Beta Messaging

Register Starter A2P 10DLC Brands and Campaigns via Console

ISV customers registering their customers' US 10DLC Brands and Campaign Use Cases have full functional parity between the API and console registration experience for Starter and Standard.

Customers can now use the Trust Hub console to register Starter and Standard Brands and Campaign Use Cases. Illustrated screenshots and guidance on which brand type to choose for your customers is provided in the documentation.

Twilio Marketing Campaigns logo

Sep 14, 2021

GA Marketing Campaigns

Custom Automation Exit Criteria

You can now remove contacts from an Automation automatically when they have achieved the goal of that Automation. To add a custom Exit Criteria to an Automation, click to edit or create a new Automation, select ‘Contact meets following criteria’ in the Exit Criteria dropdown, and choose an engagement event. Learn more about building Automations in our Knowledge Center.

Twilio Messaging logo

Sep 13, 2021

Beta Messaging

Mock Brand and Campaign Registration for US A2P 10DLC

ISV Customers with a registered US A2P ISV Brand can now test their API integrations with Twilio by registering Mock Brands and Campaigns. The Mock Brand and Campaign API allows you to develop and test applications against Twilio’s A2P Brand and Campaign APIs without incurring any A2P 10DLC related fees.

Mock brands and mock campaigns are created similarly to brands and campaigns registered against the non-mock A2P APIs. Any campaign registered alongside a Mock Brand will automatically be considered a Mock Campaign and will not allow Messages to be routed on US A2P routes. And Mock Brands and campaigns expire after 30 days. These are some important restrictions and considerations to keep in mind when you’re using this API, with detailed explanations available in this guide.

Twilio Video logo

Sep 09, 2021

Beta Video

Video Diagnostics App Public Beta

We are excited to announce the release of the Video Diagnostics Web App, an open source ReactJS application demonstrating how to test a participant’s ability to have a high-quality video call with the Twilio platform - now available in Public Beta for WebRTC Go, P2P, and Group Room developers.

The application is built using diagnostics and call-readiness features in Twilio’s RTC Diagnostics SDK and Twilio’s Video Javascript SDK, including the recently released Preflight API Public Beta.

It can be customized, embedded into your application, and used as part of onboarding to ensure a successful first video call or for diagnosing issues that relate to the device, software, or network conditions of the end-user.

For more information on the Video Diagnostics application, see our blog post or visit the README.


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