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Twilio logo

Jun 06, 2023

Twilio Platform Deprecated

Reseller Insights page in Twilio Console is being deprecated

Twilio Flex logo

Jun 04, 2023

Flex Beta Voice

Flex integration for Google Dialogflow CX Voice Virtual Agents is now in Public Beta

Twilio Messaging logo

May 31, 2023


Introducing Error Codes for A2P 10DLC Campaign Reviews

Twilio has released error codes for campaign review process. With this latest update, customers can easily identify the reason for campaign rejection with an error code and description through US App to Person (A2P) Campaign Resource. For a detailed list of all error codes please visit Twilio Error and Warning Dictionary.

To learn more about these error codes, please read the Twilio support article. Additionally, be sure to check out our code samples and API guidelines in Twilio docs. We hope that these updates will help make your messaging experience with Twilio even smoother!

Twilio Messaging logo

May 24, 2023

Beta Messaging

[U.S. A2P 10DLC] Launching Self-Service Brand Deletion in Console

Twilio Conversations logo

May 23, 2023

GA Conversations

Conversations API created date and state filtering

You can now filter the results returned by the Read Multiple Conversations API by created date and state. 

Twilio Lookup logo

May 23, 2023

Beta Lookup

Identity Match is in Public Beta

The Lookup API now has a new package in Public Beta! Identity Match will give you the ability to confirm the identity of your users at any point in your customer journey. We suggest using Identity Match every time a new user registers for your platform, or any time a high risk transaction takes place. Please review our documentation pages for more information on this exciting new product.

Twilio Programmable Voice logo

May 22, 2023


New Voice event subscriptions available in Event Streams

Call and conference creation and modification events, as well as call progress events, can now be subscribed to via Event Streams. Creation and modification events enable developers to see the initial creation and subsequent modification parameters for any calls, conferences, or conference participants made via API. Call Progress Events notify you of what’s happening during an outbound call and alert you when it progresses through key events, such as Initiated, Ringing, Answered and Completed. 

Twilio logo

May 18, 2023

Programmable SMS Geo Permissions - United Kingdom Prefix Update

Twilio is making changes to SMS Geo-Permissions in the Twilio Console to better differentiate traffic being sent to the United Kingdom to better protect our customers from SMS Pumping. The United Kingdom will be broken out into four territories: Guernsey, Isle of Man, Jersey, and the United Kingdom which was previously solely under the United Kingdom (+44) prefix. If you enabled SMS Geo-Permissions for the United Kingdom(+44)  and had past activity within the following prefixes: Guernsey (+44778, +44783), Isle of Man (+447624, +44745), and/or Jersey (+4477003, +4478299), we have enabled your SMS Geo-Permissions in the newly created territory within the United Kingdom.

If needed, you can enable or disable SMS Geo Permissions to any country at any time in Twilio Console by following the steps in this Support Article.

Twilio SendGrid Email API logo

May 17, 2023

GA Email

Event Webhooks Enhancement, Effective May 17, 2023

Effective May 3rd, 2023, Twilio SendGrid customers will be able to configure multiple endpoints for our Event Webhook feature. This enhanced feature provides customers with greater flexibility and control with the ability to  deliver event data to multiple endpoints, each configured to receive whichever events make sense for your email program. For example, you could have one Event Webhook to monitor engagement data and another for delivery events, or one Webhook sending data to your marketing analytics pipeline and another feeding your application monitoring stack.

With this new feature roll-out we have updated the user interface (UI). All the webhook settings are in one place. In the SendGrid UI, click on Mail Settings in the left navigation, and you will see Event Webhooks below the  Webhook settings heading.. We have consolidated our security features: Signature Verification and OAuth 2.0 in one place, providing you with a streamlined user interface.

Additionally, we have added four new fields in the UI and API:
1. Friendly Name
2. Webhook ID
3. Created Date
4. Updated Date

* Existing webhooks will not be affected by this change, but customers can add additional endpoints as desired.
* The number of endpoints per user is dependent on the TSG plan you are on. See the SendGrid pricing page for details.

We hope this new feature will enhance our customers' experience with Twilio SendGrid and improve their ability to track and analyze their email engagement and delivery data.


Twilio Programmable Voice logo

May 17, 2023


Changes to withheld caller ID behavior

As previously communicated, Twilio has changed how withheld caller ID is displayed on outbound <Dial> calls. This change has been made for inbound Programmable Voice calls as well. Any Programmable Voice calls where the caller ID has been withheld will now display anonymous in the From field. 


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