Elastic SIP Trunking | Sep. 04, 2020

ZoomPhone with Elastic SIP Trunking PSTN connectivity now supports Secure Trunking (TLS/SRTP)

Cloud calling solution provided by Zoom Phones has support for “bring your own carrier” (BYOC) giving ZoomPhone customers access to a range of PSTN connectivity services to fit their business needs. You can leverage global SIP trunking services from third-party providers, including Twilio, and realize geographic coverage, pricing, flexibility and other advantages.

This release increases the security of the Zoom Phones BYOC to Twilio Elastic SIP Trunking Interconnection to use Secure Real-time Protocol (SRTP) to encrypt media and Transport Layer Security (TLS) to encrypt signaling.

If you're configuring your Elastic SIP Trunk to interconnect to Zoom Phones BYOC, please ensure you enable Secure Trunking. To learn more about how to configure your Elastic SIP Trunk please see here.

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