Flex | May. 14, 2024

New Webchat 3.0 allowed origins feature increases security

Webchat 3.0’s newest feature, allowed origins, boosts chat widget security by only accepting messages from pre-determined websites. 

Starting May 14, 2024, you can use the Allowed origins field  in your Webchat 3.0 deployment key settings to specify up to 10 trusted URLs where your customers can initiate a chat. Once specified, chat sessions are only accepted from the trusted URLs that you entered. Webchat will reject chats from any URLs that are not listed in the Allowed origins field.

If you have already created a deployment key for Webchat 3.0, you must take action to prevent disruption. By August 15, 2024, you must update your deployment key for your existing Webchat 3.0 widget.

  1. In the Allowed origins field, remove the *(all hosts) value.
  2. Add your trusted URLs to the Allowed origins field.
  3. Save your changes. 

We recommend making this update outside of normal business hours. When you change these settings, any existing webchat conversations might be disconnected. 

After August 15, 2024, the *(all hosts) value will be removed from deployment keys. If you don’t add your trusted URLs to the Allowed origins field by this date, your customers won’t be able to initiate chats.

For more information, check out Set up and use Webchat 3.0.


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