Programmable Voice | Aug. 02, 2021

Upcoming changes to RecordingStatusCallback URL encoding

Starting 31 August 2021 Twilio will begin to escape & and = in query parameters provided in RecordingStatusCallback values for the creation of Calls and Conference Participants.

Today, a bug in RecordingStatusCallback encoding/decoding results in Twilio dropping everything after & in query parameter strings for the provided URL.

Some customers have identified this bug and implemented a workaround where they escape the & before sending it to Twilio. Other customers have developed a workaround that escapes everything except for =. The bug fix will break both of these workarounds, but will result in proper and expected encoding/decoding of HTTP query parameters.

If your application escapes these characters when constructing a RecordingStatusCallback URL you will want to update its behavior to be resilient to this change by August 31st.

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