Twilio Changelog | Jun. 10, 2024

Send items to your customers with Twilio Catalog on WhatsApp

Use twilio/catalog to send items and services directly to your customers on WhatsApp and guide them through a transaction

We’re excited to announce the Public Beta release of twilio/catalog on Content Template Builder. This feature enables businesses to send any number of products, items, or services to their customers. The customer can then complete the purchase transaction or ask for more information about the item or service within a rich WhatsApp experience. 


WhatsApp supports 3 separate features to send 1, multiple, or all items to a customer. Twilio has simplified this set of features into 1 unified and consistent feature. Customers can create Content Templates and at send time dynamically choose how many and which items they will send. Twilio will then automatically translate that into an appropriate WhatsApp message. 

To learn more about how to supercharge your commerce use case on WhatsApp click here to see our docs.

WhatsApp Business API Studio Messaging Retail and ecommerce