Twilio Platform | Jan. 31, 2022

New Twilio Console SSO with self-service UI and domain based enforcement

We have launched a new SSO management experience in public beta. This new SSO UI will be available in the admin center for customers who have purchased Administrative or Enterprise editions.

Customers can configure and manage their SSO for Twilio Console by themselves using this UI. Earlier, they were required to create support tickets and exchange the SSO configuration data over emails which would take a few days to configure correctly. Now SSO configuration can be setup and enabled for managed users in a few minutes.

Customers also don’t need to enable SSO for every user manually. With the new Domain based enforcement feature, all existing as well as new users will get SSO enforced automatically. So customers won’t have to track whether SSO is enabled for every new user invited to their Twilio Organization.

Learn more about this feature in Twilio Console SSO documentation.

Twilio Platform Beta