Flex | Apr. 02, 2024

New Flex plugins available in the Plugin Library

The following plugins were recently added to the Flex Plugin Library:

  • Agent Automation
    Enables auto-select, auto-accept, and auto-wrap-up behaviors for agent tasks based on their channel and a set of required task attributes.

  • Dual Channel Recording
    Enables call recording on dual channels to enable analytics tools like Flex Insights to determine if the customer or the agent is speaking, which enhances their capabilities to detect cross-talk.

  • Custom Transfer Directory
    Enhances the agent and queue transfer directories for Voice tasks with real-time data and filters.

  • Supervisor Complete Reservation
    Adds a Complete button to the TaskOverviewCanvas to allow supervisors to complete pending tasks for agents.

  • Activity Reservation Handler
    Enables synchronization of an agent's TaskRouter activity with the state of the tasks that they are working on.

  • Hang Up By
    Enables Flex Insights reporting based on who ended the call (customer, agent, transfer, and so on).
