Elastic SIP Trunking | Dec. 17, 2019

G.711 A-Law (PCMA) Support for SIP Trunking

Twilio Elastic SIP Trunking and SIP Interfaces have added support for a new codec, G.711 A-Law, also referred to as PCMA. Twilio now supports both G.711 versions, µ-Law (PCMU) and A-Law (PCMA).

This addition allows customers more flexibility in configuring their SIP infrastructure, especially in countries where G.711 A-Law is the prevailing standard codec. It also makes connecting with their SIP customers easier, as most SIP implementations will support at least one of the G.711 codec versions. Additionally, acceptance of a new codec could conceivably reduce transcoding on customer networks, which in turn could reduce network overhead and improve performance.

Please see our Elastic SIP Trunking documentation for more information.

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