Flex | Jun. 10, 2024

Flex Plugins CLI version 7.0.0 is now available

The Flex Plugins CLI can now help validate your plugins against the latest Flex UI version to ensure compatibility. The recommendations displayed by this command help you follow best practices to keep your plugin code compatible with Flex UI as the platform evolves. However, it cannot guarantee compatibility. This command also runs implicitly as part of the Deploy command.

The 7.0.0 release also includes:

  • Enhancements to the CLI version update notifier 

  • Integrated telemetry for all of the commands

  • Security fixes

  • Removal of unused dependencies

This update includes two breaking changes:

  • Because the twilio:flex:plugins:deploy command now validates plugins as part of the deployment process, version 7.0.0 and later can disrupt automated deployments, such CI/CD pipelines. When the Deploy command runs, if the validation process finds any errors, the deployment process stops to ask for input. To prevent this issue, use the --bypass-validation option on your Deploy command to skip plugin validation for automated deployments. For details, see Deploy in the Flex Plugins CLI reference.
  • Node v14 is no longer supported. Your plugins must be compatible with Node v16.x or later.

For more information about this release, see the Flex Plugins CLI release notes. For complete information about the Flex Plugins CLI, see our Flex Plugins CLI documentation.
