Event Streams | Sep. 04, 2024

Click-to-WhatsApp ‘Click ID’ Parameter From Ad-Initiated Inbound WhatsApp Messages Available On Event Streams

The ReferralCtwaClid parameter that is already available through Twilio webhooks (Changelog) can now also be delivered through Event Streams (docs). Update to version 4 of the schema for Inbound Message events (schema definition) to start receiving this parameter through Event Streams.

This new support will guarantee at-least-once delivery of this business critical event, as well as improve integration flexibility for customers using multiple Twilio products or a product that is built on top of multiple products, such as Flex and Studio by making this data easier to consume.

This parameter contains the unique identifier generated by Meta representing the WhatsApp message conversation initiated by a user’s ad click. Customers can now use this parameter to integrate their WhatsApp business messaging events with Meta’s Conversions API (see ctwa_clid) to optimize Meta’s ads targeting and performance measurement.

Learn more about how to create Click-to-WhatsApp advertisements with Twilio from our blog post.

WhatsApp Business API Messaging Event Streams GA