Twilio Sendgrid Changelog | Sep. 21, 2023

Sendgrid Azure Marketplace Plan Migration Beginning September 27

Beginning September 27, 2023, SendGrid accounts on the Azure Marketplace will migrate from legacy plans to modern SendGrid plans. This migration may cause a price change for some customers.

What do you need to know? 

Beginning September 27, 2023, SendGrid accounts on the Azure Marketplace will migrate from legacy plans to modern SendGrid plans. This migration may cause a price change for some customers. Modern pricing and plans can be found here.

Why is this happening?

Twilio SendGrid is deprecating Legacy SendGrid plans to provide customers with updated pricing and  features. This includes usage-based overage billing instead of monthly email limits, as well as enabling Sender Verification requirements on the new packages to protect your sending reputation and to uphold legitimate sending behavior.

What action do you need to take?

It is recommended that all customers that have purchased SendGrid through the Azure Marketplace check their configuration for every Single Sender Verification and/or Domain Authentication you use to ensure verification and prevent email disruption.

To prevent mail disruption, you must check your configuration for every Single Sender Verification and/or Domain Authentication you use to ensure that everything is verified.

You can upgrade your plan ahead of the planned migration, however, this upgrade will also enable our Sender Verification requirements.

 Here’s how to check the verification status: 

  • For Single Sender Verification:

    1. In your SendGrid Console, click the Sender Authentication tab under Settings and view the Single Sender Verification section.

    2. Make sure each email account you send mail from is successfully verified. You’ll see a green checkmark next to the email account when the account is verified.

    3. If the account isn’t verified, follow the Single Sender Verification steps to finish the verification process.

  • For Domain Authentication:

    1. In your SendGrid Console, click the Sender Authentication tab under Settings and view the Domain Authentication section..

    2. Make sure each domain you send mail from is successfully verified. You’ll see a green checkmark next to the domain when the domain is verified.

    3. If the domain isn’t verified, follow the Domain Authentication steps to finish the verification process.

What if you don’t take action?

If your Single Sender Verification and/or Domain Authentication aren’t verified and configured correctly by September 27, 2023, you will experience a disruption sending your mail. 

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