Programmable Messaging | Aug. 25, 2021
A2P 10DLC registration for all US 501(c) nonprofit organizations now available
A2P 10DLC brand and campaign registration for all 501(c) nonprofit organizations is now available as part of Twilio’s A2P 10DLC Console and ISV API onboarding experience.Nonprofit organizations can register using the Charity / 501(c)(3), Political, or Standard use cases depending on their entity type:
- 501(c)(3) organizations should register campaigns with the Charity / 501(c)(3) special use case. Charity / 501(c)(3) is a reserved use case for 501(c)(3)s to receive discounts on A2P carrier fees.
- 501(c)(4), 501(c)(5), and 501(c)(6) organizations sending messages that are political in nature should register with the Political special use case, or register non-political messaging with standard campaign use cases. The Political use case receives increased messaging throughput on A2P.
- All other 501(c) designations should register their campaigns with standard campaign use cases.
For more details on the Charity / 501(c)(3) and Political campaign use cases, please see this support article on special use cases.
Note: We're still working to enable registration for 527 Political organizations and for the Emergency Special use case.